
鯨目 Cetacea

TBN UUID: 252a6ffa-fe2f-4856-ac86-b3866824374d
哺乳類 Mammals
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-10-7 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Grampus griseus 瑞氏海豚 Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier, 1812) 哺乳類 2023-6-28 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-10-7 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-9-27 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-9-6 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-7-29 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-7-29 花蓮縣 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-5-20 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Physeter macrocephalus 抹香鯨 Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758 哺乳類 2023-7-13 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Grampus griseus 瑞氏海豚 Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier, 1812) 哺乳類 2023-5-20 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella attenuata 熱帶斑海豚 Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1846) 哺乳類 2023-5-22 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Grampus griseus 瑞氏海豚 Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier, 1812) 哺乳類 2023-4-14 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella attenuata 熱帶斑海豚 Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1846) 哺乳類 2023-8-5 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Kogia sima 侏儒抹香鯨 Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) 哺乳類 2023-10-1 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Physeter macrocephalus 抹香鯨 Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758 哺乳類 2023-4-18 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Grampus griseus 瑞氏海豚 Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier, 1812) 哺乳類 2023-5-22 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Lagenodelphis hosei 弗氏海豚 Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser, 1956 哺乳類 2023-8-23 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-12-3 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-5-22 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Stenella longirostris 長吻飛旋海豚 Stenella longirostris (Gray, 1828) 哺乳類 2023-7-2 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Grampus griseus 瑞氏海豚 Grampus griseus (G.Cuvier, 1812) 哺乳類 2023-5-22 The observation records from whale and dolphin watching inshore of Hualien, eastern Taiwan|臺灣花蓮近海賞鯨之鯨豚觀測紀錄
Neophocaena phocaenoides 寬脊露脊鼠海豚 Neophocaena phocaenoides (Cuvier 1829) 哺乳類 屏東縣車城鄉 Paleobiology Database
Globicephala macrorhynchus 短肢領航鯨 Globicephala macrorhynchus (Gray 1846) 哺乳類 台南市 Paleobiology Database
Eschrichtius 灰鯨屬 Eschrichtius Gray 1864 哺乳類 台南市 Paleobiology Database
Megaptera novaeangliae 大翅鯨 Megaptera novaeangliae (Brisson 1762) 哺乳類 台南市 Paleobiology Database