鋸角雪螢(Diaphanes lampyroides (Olivier))為臺灣山區常見的秋冬季螢火蟲,是目前推廣秋冬季賞螢活動的主要物種之一。為了解鋸角雪螢生活史,本研究以室內飼育及野外族群調查方式綜合探討。室內飼育部分,採集自杉林溪幼蟲,俟其羽化交尾所產之卵為供試材料,在定溫17°C,相對濕度RH=80 ± 5%,光照L:D=10:14的條件下進行飼育。單隻飼育的鋸角雪螢共43隻,羽化成功計15隻,其中卵期平均120.9 ± 18.4天(平均值±標準偏差),幼蟲期145.1 ± 13.9天,前蛹期4.3 ± 1.8天,蛹期14.5 ± 3.3天,成蟲期19.8 ± 5.9天。雄蟲完成一世代需298.4 ± 18.0天(n=9),雌蟲需313.7 ± 19.0天(n=6),全部羽化成功之飼育個體需304.5 ±19.3天(n=15)。野外族群調查結果顯示,杉林溪鋸角雪螢之幼蟲主要於8-10月活動與發光,成蟲發生期為10-12月。綜合室內飼育及野外族群調查結果,鋸角雪螢的生活史為一年一世代。
Diaphanes lampyroides (Olivier) is a winter firefly species commonly found throughout mountain areas of Taiwan, and it has become an important species for promoting firefly watching during the winter season. In order to understand the life history of the species, both laboratory and field populations were investigated. We collected the larvae of D. lampyroides from Sunlink-Sea, Nantou County, and reared them to become adults under laboratory conditions. After the adults mated and laid eggs, we collected the eggs and incubated them under the constant conditions of temperature (17°C), relative humidity (80% ± 5%), and the photoperiod of the light dark ratio (L:D=10:14). A total of 43 hatched larvae were reared separately, and 15 of them successfully emerged under laboratory conditions. The durations of each life cycle stage (including egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult stages) were 120.9 ± 18.4 days (mean ± standard deviation), 145.1 ± 13.9 days, 4.3 ± 1.8 days, 14.5 ± 3.3 days, and 19.8 ± 5.9 days, respectively. The mean generation time, therefore, was 298.4 ± 18.0 days (n=9) for males and 313.7 ± 19.0
days (n=6) for females. For the individuals that successfully emerged, the mean generation time lasted 304.5 ± 19.3 days (n=15). The results from the field investigations indicated that the larval populations of D. lampyroides mainly occurred from August to October, and adults occurred from October to December. In conclusion, the results from both laboratory rearing and field investigations suggested that D. lampyroides has only one generation per year.
Diaphanes lampyroides (Olivier) is a winter firefly species commonly found throughout mountain areas of Taiwan, and it has become an important species for promoting firefly watching during the winter season. In order to understand the life history of the species, both laboratory and field populations were investigated. We collected the larvae of D. lampyroides from Sunlink-Sea, Nantou County, and reared them to become adults under laboratory conditions. After the adults mated and laid eggs, we collected the eggs and incubated them under the constant conditions of temperature (17°C), relative humidity (80% ± 5%), and the photoperiod of the light dark ratio (L:D=10:14). A total of 43 hatched larvae were reared separately, and 15 of them successfully emerged under laboratory conditions. The durations of each life cycle stage (including egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult stages) were 120.9 ± 18.4 days (mean ± standard deviation), 145.1 ± 13.9 days, 4.3 ± 1.8 days, 14.5 ± 3.3 days, and 19.8 ± 5.9 days, respectively. The mean generation time, therefore, was 298.4 ± 18.0 days (n=9) for males and 313.7 ± 19.0
days (n=6) for females. For the individuals that successfully emerged, the mean generation time lasted 304.5 ± 19.3 days (n=15). The results from the field investigations indicated that the larval populations of D. lampyroides mainly occurred from August to October, and adults occurred from October to December. In conclusion, the results from both laboratory rearing and field investigations suggested that D. lampyroides has only one generation per year.
a4496652-5a37-4ff7-b785-762ad58d5782 (DatasetUUID)
Life history of the winter firefly Diaphanes lampyroides (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Taiwan