The herpetological collection contains reptiles and amphibians (estimated 50,000 specimens including 140 type specimens), with all Danish species represented as well as good coverage of European species. Additionally, there are substantial collections from the former Danish West Indies colonies, Brazil, sub-Saharan Africa, The Philippines and the islands of Southeast Asia.
Approximately 2,700 species are represented. Most specimens are preserved in alcohol and for the last 10 years, DNA samples have been recovered from all collected specimens.
Den herpetologiske samling består af krybdyr og padder og indeholder ca 50.000 eksemplarer samt 140 type-eksemplarer. Samlingen indeholder alle danske arter samt en bred dækning af europæiske arter. Derudover er der også en god dækning fra det tidligere Dansk Vestindien, Brasilien, sub-Sahara Afrika, Filippinerne samt Sydøstasien.
Omtrent 2,700 arter er registreret. De fleste eksemplarer er bevaret i sprit, og igennem de sidste 10 år er der sikret DNA prøver fra alle indsamlede dyr.
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Citation: Scherz M, Johansson D K (2024). NHMD Herpetology Collection. Natural History Museum of Denmark. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-09-06.