九份二山於921地震受創嚴重,為加速植被演替,行政院農業委員會水土保持局(以下簡稱水保局) 曾投入了大量的整治復建工作,對於該區的生物多樣性回復確有實質的幫助。為瞭解九份二山生態系與野生物族群的組成概況,水保局特商請行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心協助執行生物多樣性調查與長期監測計畫,俾樹立水土保持與生態保育同時兼顧之良好範例。2016~2017年本計畫共記錄到野生動物678種,其中包含瀕臨絕種保育類物種2種、珍貴稀有保育類物種14種、其他應予保育類物種17種,特有種98種,特有亞種118種,計46,595隻次。植物相方面則記錄有745種,包含瀕危種2種、易受害8種、接近威脅種7種。在各類群動物調查完整性發現僅兩棲類及魚蝦類動物相記錄種數已達飽和,其餘類群有待明年持續調查。在工程影響評估方面,除了兩棲爬蟲類及鳥類動物外,水土保持工程與除草作業皆可能影響哺乳類及魚蝦蟹類動物的族群大小及群聚結構,也初擬各類群之長期監測模式提供參考,並分析重要棲地與生態敏感區評估發現次高級以上之生態敏感度面積約65 ha,占全區面積20%以上,且有6項工程座落在次高敏感度區。生態保育宣導措施與行動方面,累計2016~2017年各類群調查資料共計13,021筆上傳至「台灣生物多樣性網絡」(Taiwan Biodiversity Network)資料庫,並完成圖鑑附件(魔術頭巾、紙膠帶)製作,以及兩梯次符合契約規定之研習課程,九份二山資源解說圖鑑則預計於12月上旬出版。除了專業器材外,其餘皆依「政府採購法」相關規定,以及經中央信託局採購生態調查儀器及相關設備。並依水保局所提出之相關生態議題,提供圖片、影片及短文,以及專業諮詢建議與協助處理等,兩年共計9件。
The Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB) has carried out a great number of improved programs of environment in Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan where biodiversity can effectively recover since the “921 earthquake” on September 21, 1999. In order to understand ecosystem and wildlife components for Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan, SWCB has invited Endemic Species Research Institute to conduct the field survey and long-term monitor project with respect to biodiversity. This project may achieve the win-win situation for soil-water preserves as well as ecological conservations. 46,595 individuals (678 species, include 2 endangered species, 14 rare and valuable species, and 17 other conservation-deserving wildlife) and 745 species of plant (2 endangered species, 8 vulnerable species, and 7 near threatened species) were surveyed in the Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan in 2016~2017. Only species list of amphibian, fish, shrimp and crab are completed, and will continue to survey other biota in the next year. In addition to amphibian, reptile and bird, structures for water and soil conservation and weeding may impact on population size and community structure of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. We also proposed the primary Long-term monitoring model for reference. The top and second-rank ecological sensitive areas was about 65 ha (above 20%) and 6 structure for water and soil conservation are located in the second-rank ecological sensitive area. For the sake of ecological propaganda, 13,021 data uploaded to TBN database. We have designed 2 books attachments (headwear and paper tape), arranged two programs of eco-education. And 3 biological resources illustrations will be published in early December. In addition to professional equipment, all equipment-purchase works were following “Government Procurement Act” to buy equipment, and computer- purchase works were bought via Central Trust of Chin. And provided some pictures, videos, and essay etc., and make some ecological suggestion in conference for reference for SWCB.
The Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB) has carried out a great number of improved programs of environment in Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan where biodiversity can effectively recover since the “921 earthquake” on September 21, 1999. In order to understand ecosystem and wildlife components for Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan, SWCB has invited Endemic Species Research Institute to conduct the field survey and long-term monitor project with respect to biodiversity. This project may achieve the win-win situation for soil-water preserves as well as ecological conservations. 46,595 individuals (678 species, include 2 endangered species, 14 rare and valuable species, and 17 other conservation-deserving wildlife) and 745 species of plant (2 endangered species, 8 vulnerable species, and 7 near threatened species) were surveyed in the Jiu-Fen-Er-Shan in 2016~2017. Only species list of amphibian, fish, shrimp and crab are completed, and will continue to survey other biota in the next year. In addition to amphibian, reptile and bird, structures for water and soil conservation and weeding may impact on population size and community structure of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. We also proposed the primary Long-term monitoring model for reference. The top and second-rank ecological sensitive areas was about 65 ha (above 20%) and 6 structure for water and soil conservation are located in the second-rank ecological sensitive area. For the sake of ecological propaganda, 13,021 data uploaded to TBN database. We have designed 2 books attachments (headwear and paper tape), arranged two programs of eco-education. And 3 biological resources illustrations will be published in early December. In addition to professional equipment, all equipment-purchase works were following “Government Procurement Act” to buy equipment, and computer- purchase works were bought via Central Trust of Chin. And provided some pictures, videos, and essay etc., and make some ecological suggestion in conference for reference for SWCB.
5679ba7c-b84c-4fa2-88e1-93ea6b5640a4 (DatasetUUID)
Field Surveys and Long-term Monitoring for Biodiversity in Chiufenershan