In cooperation with Endemic Species Research Institute (ESRI) and Yushan National Park Headquarters (YSNP Headquarters), a long-term passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) system in YSNP was built to monitor animals and ecosystems from soundscape recordings in year 2020. The data were collected by six PAM stations along the Southern Cross-Island Highway in the Southern Area of YSNP. The stations were maintained by YSNP Headquarters and the data were archived, managed, analyzed and open-accessed by ESRI. The recorders were programmed to record a minute every three minutes. In total, these are 1,776,492 1-minute recordings were collected between 2020-01-20 and 2021-12-31. Animal vocalizations in recordings were detected automatically with the use of the SILIC (Sound Identification and Labeling Intelligence for Creatures) which was developed by ESRI. We used the model exp24 of the SILIC ( to detect seven sound classes of seven bird species and then 150 samples of each sound class were selected randomly and reviewed manually for evaluating the precision and recall. The detections totalled 6,243,820 for all the seven sound classes, for reducing the data size, the dataset has been summarized to the count of detections per sound class per recording and resulted in 802,670 records in total.
為進行玉山國家公園長期生態監測,至2020年起,行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心(ESRI)與內政部營建署玉山國家公園管理處(YSNP)合作,於園區內架設被動式聲學監測站(PAM站),長期錄製聲景資料,進行聲景生態監測。本資料集收錄設於YSNP南部園區,位於南部橫貫公路沿線的6處PAM站資料,PAM站由YSNP進行定期維運,聲景資料由TESRI典藏、管理、分析及開放。PAM站為定時錄音,設置參數為每隔2分鐘錄製1分鐘,總計有1,776,492筆1分鐘音檔在2020-01-20至2021-12-31間被錄製。錄製之聲景資料利用ESRI開發的生物音智慧辨識與標記系統SILIC exp24模型進行分析 ( ,目前已完成7種鳥類聲音之資料分析,每種聲音隨機取150筆資料進行人工複核以估算精確率(Precision)與召回率(Recall)。總計本資料集收錄7種鳥類合計叫聲6,243,820聲,為減少資料量,將同錄音檔且同聲音編號之聲音進行數量加總,經加總後之總資料筆數為802,670筆。
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Citation: Wu S, Tsai W, Ko J C (2022). Acoustic detections of birds using the SILIC in Yushan National Park, Taiwan. Version 1.5. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-04-29.