
The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan

42b98a7f-4252-42a0-a56e-069df3eb3a7d (DatasetUUID)
Yu-Hung Yeh、Roland Kirschner
Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF)
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Sordariomycetes 糞殼菌綱 Sordariomycetes 真菌類 2015-8-25 新竹市香山區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Stemphylium 匍柄黴屬 Stemphylium Wallroth, 1833 真菌類 2015-2-24 新竹市香山區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Cladosporium Cladosporium Link, 1816 真菌類 2015-2-24 新竹市香山區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Alternaria alternata 互生鏈隔孢菌 Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. 真菌類 2015-2-24 新竹市香山區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Acrocalymma vagum (D.F.Farr) Crous & Trakun. 2015-2-24 新竹市香山區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. 1947; Rhizoctonia bataticola 菜豆殼球孢黴; 甘薯絲核菌 Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. 真菌類 2013-11-21 新竹縣新豐鄉 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Aspergillus terreus 土麴黴 Aspergillus terreus Thom 真菌類 2013-11-21 新竹縣新豐鄉 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Microsphaeropsis arundinis Microsphaeropsis arundinis (S.Ahmad) B.Sutton 真菌類 2013-11-21 新竹縣新豐鄉 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Rosellinia 炭豆菌屬 Rosellinia de Notaris, 1844 真菌類 2013-11-21 新竹縣新豐鄉 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Colletotrichum 炭疽刺盤孢菌屬 Colletotrichum Corda, 1831 真菌類 2014-1-13 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Colletotrichum 炭疽刺盤孢菌屬 Colletotrichum Corda, 1831 真菌類 2014-1-13 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Colletotrichum 炭疽刺盤孢菌屬 Colletotrichum Corda, 1831 真菌類 2019-11-28 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Phyllosticta capitalensis 首都葉點黴 Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. 真菌類 2014-12-20 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Phyllosticta capitalensis 首都葉點黴 Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. 真菌類 2014-12-20 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Phyllosticta capitalensis 首都葉點黴 Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. 真菌類 2015-8-19 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Phyllosticta capitalensis 首都葉點黴 Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. 真菌類 2015-8-19 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Colletotrichum 炭疽刺盤孢菌屬 Colletotrichum tropicale E.I.Rojas, S.A.Rehner & Samuels 真菌類 2015-8-19 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Phyllosticta capitalensis 首都葉點黴 Phyllosticta capitalensis Henn. 真菌類 2014-1-13 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Diaporthe 間座殼菌屬 Diaporthe Nitschke, 1870 真菌類 2014-12-20 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Colletotrichum 炭疽刺盤孢菌屬 Colletotrichum Corda, 1831 真菌類 2014-12-20 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Mycoleptodiscus Mycoleptodiscus indicus (V.P.Sahni) B.Sutton 真菌類 2015-8-19 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Diaporthe 間座殼菌屬 Diaporthe batatas Harter & E.C.Field 真菌類 2014-1-13 台北市中正區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Thielavia 梭孢殼菌屬 Thielavia Zopf, 1876 真菌類 2014-10-24 桃園市觀音區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Thielavia 梭孢殼菌屬 Thielavia Zopf, 1876 真菌類 2014-10-24 桃園市觀音區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan
Emmia lacerata (N.Maek., Suhara & R.Kondo) F.Wu, Jia J.Chen & Y.C.Dai 2015-8-25 桃園市觀音區 The diversity of endophytic fungi of the sand coast plant Ipomoea pes-caprae in Taiwan