
Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity

1aaec653-c71c-4695-9b6e-0e26214dd817 (DatasetUUID)
Willem Coetzer
The South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Pseudogramma polyacantha 多棘擬線鱸 Pseudogramma polyacantha (Bleeker, 1856) 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Gymnothorax margaritophorus 斑頸裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax margaritophorus Bleeker, 1864 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Gymnothorax chilospilus 雲紋裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax chilospilus Bleeker, 1864 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Enneapterygius flavoccipitis 黃頸雙線鳚 Enneapterygius flavoccipitis Shen, 1994 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Canthigaster valentini 瓦氏尖鼻魨 Canthigaster valentini (Bleeker, 1853) 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Gymnothorax melatremus 黃身裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax melatremus Schultz, 1953 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Ostorhinchus cyanosoma 金帶天竺鯛 Apogon cyanosoma Bleeker, 1853 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Thysanophrys chiltonae 窄眶多棘牛尾魚 Thysanophrys chiltonae Schultz, 1966 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Istigobius decoratus 華麗銜鰕虎 Istigobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Parapercis pacifica 太平洋擬鱸 Parapercis hexophtalma (Cuvier, 1829) 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Apogon 天竺鯛屬 Apogon novemfasciatus Cuvier, 1828 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Apogon erythrinus 粉紅天竺鯛 Apogon erythrinus Snyder, 1904 魚類 1988-1-26 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Istigobius decoratus 華麗銜鰕虎 Istigobius decoratus (Herre, 1927) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Sargocentron; Sargocentron cornutum 棘鱗魚屬; 點鰭棘鱗魚 Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Pomacentrus vaiuli 王子雀鯛 Pomacentrus vaiuli Jordan & Seale, 1906 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cheilinus fasciatus 橫帶唇魚 Cheilinus fasciatus (Bloch, 1791) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Eviota abax 磯塘鱧 Eviota abax (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Pseudamia gelatinosa 犬牙擬天竺鯛 Pseudamia gelatinosa Smith [J. L. B.], 1956 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Apogon crassiceps 堅頭天竺鯛 Apogon crassiceps Garman, 1903 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cheilodipterus macrodon 巨齒天竺鯛 Cheilodipterus macrodon (Lacepède, 1802) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Myripristis kuntee 康德鋸鱗魚 Myripristis kuntee Valenciennes, 1831 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Sargocentron diadema 黑鰭棘鱗魚 Sargocentron diadema (Lacepède, 1802) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Centropyge vrolikii 福氏刺尻魚 Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Dascyllus trimaculatus 三斑圓雀鯛 Dascyllus trimaculatus (Rüppell, 1829) 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Parapercis kamoharai 蒲原氏擬鱸 Parapercis kamoharai Schultz, 1966 魚類 1988-1-20 屏東縣車城鄉 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity