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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Enicospilus maai 馬氏細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus maai Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus transversus 橫脊細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus transversus Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus bifasciatus Enicospilus bifasciatus (Uchida 1928) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus pseudoconspersae 茶毛蟲細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus pseudoconspersae (Sonan 1927) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus fusiformis 梭骨細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus fusiformis Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus sauteri 蘇氏細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus sauteri (Enderlein 1921) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus 細顎姬蜂屬 Enicospilus stenophleps Cushman 1937 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus concentralis 同心細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus concentralis Cushman 1937 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus shinkanus 石河子細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus shinkanus (Uchida 1928) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus nigribasalis 黑基細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus nigribasalis (Uchida 1928) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus formosensis 臺灣細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus formosensis (Uchida 1928) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus pallidistigma 白痣細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus pallidistigma Cushman 1937 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus 細顎姬蜂屬 Enicospilus pungens (Smith 1874) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus exaggeratus 巨膜細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus exaggeratus Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus abdominalis 斑腹細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus abdominalis (Szepligeti 1906) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus tripartitus 三階細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus tripartitus Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus 細顎姬蜂屬 Enicospilus pungens (Smith 1874) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus laqueatus 大骨細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus laqueatus (Enderlein 1921) 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus 細顎姬蜂屬 Enicospilus selmatos Chiu 1954 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species
Enicospilus nigristigma 黑痣細顎姬蜂 Enicospilus nigristigma Cushman 1937 其他昆蟲 A review of the genus Enicospilus Stephens (Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of ten new species