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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres cristatellus 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellus 鳥類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Elanus caeruleus 黑翅鳶 Elanus caeruleus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Elanus caeruleus 黑翅鳶 Elanus caeruleus 鳥類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-5-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Anas crecca 小水鴨 Anas crecca 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Phoenicurus fuliginosus 鉛色水鶇 Phoenicurus fuliginosus 鳥類 2016-10-5 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres cristatellus 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-5-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres cristatellus 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellus 鳥類 2016-8-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-5-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres cristatellus 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellus 鳥類 2016-8-2 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2016-8-2 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-5-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Elanus caeruleus 黑翅鳶 Elanus caeruleus 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres cristatellus 八哥 Acridotheres cristatellus 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2016-8-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 孟氏小環藻 Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutzing 原藻類 2016-5-8 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Craticula accomoda Hustedt D.G.Mann in Round, Crawforf & Mann 1990 Craticula accomoda Hustedt D.G.Mann in Round, Crawforf & Mann 1990 原藻類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Navicula mutica Kützing 端舟形藻 Navicula mutica Kutzing 原藻類 2016-5-8 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nitzschia dissipata Kützing Grunow 分散菱形藻 Nitzschia dissipata Kutzing Grunow 原藻類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nitzschia tryblionella Hantzsch 盤形菱形藻 Nitzschia tryblionella Hantzsch 原藻類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nitzschia palea Kützing Wm. Smith Nitzschia palea Kutzing Wm. Smith 原藻類 2016-10-1 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Navicula mutica Kützing 端舟形藻 Navicula mutica Kutzing 原藻類 2016-5-2 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nitzschia palea Kützing Wm. Smith Nitzschia palea Kutzing Wm. Smith 原藻類 2016-8-1 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nitzschia sigma Kützing Wm. Smith 彎菱形藻 Nitzschia sigma Kutzing Wm. Smith 原藻類 2017-2-15 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 孟氏小環藻 Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutzing 原藻類 2016-10-1 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acridotheres tristis 家八哥 Acridotheres tristis 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Motacilla tschutschensis 東方黃鶺鴒 Motacilla tschutschensis 鳥類 2017-2-17 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Nycticorax nycticorax 夜鷺 Nycticorax nycticorax 鳥類 2016-10-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Riparia chinensis 棕沙燕 Riparia chinensis 鳥類 2016-5-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Spilopelia chinensis 珠頸斑鳩 Streptopelia chinensis 鳥類 2016-5-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Prinia flaviventris 灰頭鷦鶯 Prinia flaviventris 鳥類 2016-8-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Bubulcus ibis 黃頭鷺 Bubulcus ibis 鳥類 2016-8-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Alcedo atthis 翠鳥 Alcedo atthis 鳥類 2016-5-3 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Alcedo atthis 翠鳥 Alcedo atthis 鳥類 2016-8-2 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Columba livia 野鴿 Columba livia 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hirundo rustica 家燕 Hirundo rustica 鳥類 2016-10-4 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Orisarma dehaani 漢氏無齒螳臂蟹 Orisarma dehaani 蝦蟹類 2016-5-6 新北市板橋區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
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