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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Formosania lacustre 纓口臺鰍 Formosania lacustre 魚類 2012-7-23 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Formosania lacustre 纓口臺鰍 Formosania lacustre 魚類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Formosania lacustre 纓口臺鰍 Formosania lacustre 魚類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Formosania lacustre 纓口臺鰍 Formosania lacustre 魚類 2012-4-23 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hemimyzon formosanus 臺灣間爬岩鰍 Hemimyzon formosanus 魚類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2012-7-23 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius schach 棕背伯勞 Lanius schach 鳥類 2012-4-23 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Trema orientale (L.) Blume 山黃麻 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino 藎草 Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler 升馬唐 Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 牛筋草 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn. ex Nees 鯽魚草 Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight & Arn. ex Nees 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. 象草 Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sporobolus indicus (L.) R.Br. Sporobolus indicus (L.) R.Br. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Bidens pilosa L. 白花鬼針 Bidens pilosa L. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Morus australis Poir. 小葉桑 Morus australis Poir. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. 鴉膽子 Rhus javanica L. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acacia confusa Merr. 相思樹 Acacia confusa Merr. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Macroptilium atropurpureus (DC.) Urb. 賽芻豆 Macroptilium atropurpureus (DC.) Urb. 被子植物 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Prinia inornata 褐頭鷦鶯 Prinia inornata 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Dendrocitta formosae 樹鵲 Dendrocitta formosae 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Motacilla cinerea 灰鶺鴒 Motacilla cinerea 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Prinia flaviventris 灰頭鷦鶯 Prinia flaviventris 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Psilopogon nuchalis 五色鳥 Psilopogon nuchalis 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Carassius auratus Carassius auratus 魚類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Acrossocheilus paradoxus 臺灣石𩼧 Acrossocheilus paradoxus 魚類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Gekko hokouensis 鉛山壁虎 Gekko hokouensis 爬行類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Gekko hokouensis 鉛山壁虎 Gekko hokouensis 爬行類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Crocidura tanakae 臺灣灰麝鼩 Crocidura tanakae 哺乳類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Riparia chinensis 棕沙燕 Riparia chinensis 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cyanoderma ruficeps 山紅頭 Cyanoderma ruficeps 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Riparia chinensis 棕沙燕 Riparia chinensis 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Passer montanus 麻雀 Passer montanus 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sinosuthora webbiana 粉紅鸚嘴 Sinosuthora webbiana 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Dicrurus macrocercus 大卷尾 Dicrurus macrocercus 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Microphysogobio alticorpus 高身小鰾鮈 Microphysogobio alticorpus 魚類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hemidactylus bowringii 無疣蝎虎 Hemidactylus bowringii 爬行類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hemidactylus frenatus 疣尾蝎虎 Hemidactylus frenatus 爬行類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Mogera insularis 臺灣鼴鼠 Mogera insularis 哺乳類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hylarana latouchii 拉都希氏赤蛙 Hylarana latouchii 兩棲類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hirundo tahitica 洋燕 Hirundo tahitica 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Zosterops simplex 斯氏繡眼 Zosterops simplex 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pycnonotus sinensis 白頭翁 Pycnonotus sinensis 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lonchura punctulata 斑文鳥 Lonchura punctulata 鳥類 2013-1-7 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Egretta garzetta 小白鷺 Egretta garzetta 鳥類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cyanoderma ruficeps 山紅頭 Cyanoderma ruficeps 鳥類 2012-9-25 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cobitis sinensis 中華鰍 Cobitis sinensis 魚類 2012-8-29 台中市石岡區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
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