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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Cyperus aromaticus (Ridl.) Mattf. & Kuek. 多葉水蜈蚣 Cyperus aromaticus (Ridl.) Mattf. & Kuek. 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Bidens pilosa L. 白花鬼針 Bidens pilosa L. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sambucus chinensis Lindl. 冇骨消 Sambucus chinensis Lindl. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal 羊不食 Solanum lasiocarpum Dunal 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sigesbeckia orientalis L. 豨薟 Sigesbeckia orientalis L. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Bidens pilosa L. 白花鬼針 Bidens pilosa L. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 荷蓮豆草 Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Mazz. 水竹葉 Murdannia keisak (Hassk.) Hand.-Mazz. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Aralia bipinnata Blanco 裏白楤木 Aralia bipinnata Blanco 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ageratum conyzoides L. 藿香薊 Ageratum conyzoides L. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. 粗毛小米菊 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ageratum conyzoides L. 藿香薊 Ageratum conyzoides L. 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 水同木 Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. 小葉冷水麻 Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hibiscus taiwanensis S.Y.Hu 山芙蓉 Hibiscus taiwanensis S.Y.Hu 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Aralia bipinnata Blanco 裏白楤木 Aralia bipinnata Blanco 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. 飛龍掌血 Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Isachne myosotis Nees 荏弱柳葉箬 Isachne myosotis Nees 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Alocasia odora (Lodd.) Spach. 姑婆芋 Alocasia odora (Lodd.) Spach. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Canna indica L. 美人蕉 Canna indica L. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sambucus chinensis Lindl. 冇骨消 Sambucus chinensis Lindl. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Buddleja asiatica Lour. 揚波 Buddleja asiatica Lour. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Celtis formosana Hayata 石朴 Celtis formosana Hayata 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Erechtites valerianifolia (Link ex Wolf) Less. ex DC. 飛機草 Erechtites valerianifolia (Link ex Wolf) Less. ex DC. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 荷蓮豆草 Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Debregeasia orientalis C.J.Chen 水麻 Debregeasia orientalis C.J.Chen 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pilea peploides (Gaudich.) Hook. & Arn. Pilea peploides (Gaudich.) Hook. & Arn. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. 粗毛小米菊 Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. 鵝兒腸 Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Canna indica L. 美人蕉 Canna indica L. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Trema orientale (L.) Blume 山黃麻 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk. 短葉水蜈蚣 Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Miscanthus floridulus (Labill.) Warb. ex Schum. & Laut. 五節芒 Miscanthus floridulus (Labill.) Warb. ex Schum. & Laut. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 荷蓮豆草 Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Buddleja asiatica Lour. 揚波 Buddleja asiatica Lour. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ageratum conyzoides L. 藿香薊 Ageratum conyzoides L. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 牛筋草 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 牛筋草 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Aster subulatus Michx. 掃帚菊 Aster subulatus (Michx.) hort. ex Michx. 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll.Arg. 白匏子 Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Mull.Arg. 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 紫花藿香薊 Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. 鱧腸 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Setaria palmifolia (J.Koenig) Stapf 棕葉狗尾草 Setaria palmifolia (J.Koenig) Stapf 被子植物 2016-9-5 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sonchus oleraceus L. 苦滇菜 Sonchus oleraceus L. 被子植物 2016-5-2 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lagerstroemia subcostata Koehne 九芎 Lagerstroemia subcostata Koehne 被子植物 2016-5-4 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke 蛇莓 Duchesnea indica (Andr.) Focke 被子植物 2016-10-3 新北市三峽區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
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