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Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops yamanouei Parascombrops yamanouei Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 2011-8-10 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops mochizukii 棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops mochizukii Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 1987-12-4 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops mochizukii 棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops mochizukii Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops yamanouei Parascombrops yamanouei Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops glossodon Parascombrops glossodon Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops serratospinosus 鋸棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops serratospinosus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) Smith & Radcliffe 1912 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops glossodon Parascombrops glossodon Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops yamanouei Parascombrops yamanouei Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 2013-9-6 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 1909-8-4 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops glossodon Parascombrops glossodon Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops yamanouei Parascombrops yamanouei Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 2010-9-4 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops serratospinosus 鋸棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops serratospinosus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) Smith & Radcliffe 1912 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops mochizukii 棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops mochizukii Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 1964-3-29 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops mochizukii 棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops mochizukii Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 2015-1-5 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops serratospinosus 鋸棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops serratospinosus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) Smith & Radcliffe 1912 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops yamanouei Parascombrops yamanouei Schwarzhans, Prokofiev & Ho 魚類 2011-7-2 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 2005-9-12 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops nakayamai Parascombrops nakayamai Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops glossodon Parascombrops glossodon Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops analis 多棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops analis (Katayama 1957) Katayama 1957 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops serratospinosus 鋸棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops serratospinosus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) Smith & Radcliffe 1912 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops glossodon Parascombrops glossodon Schwarzhans & Prokofiev 魚類 2001-7-19 宜蘭縣 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis (Günther 1880) Gunther 1880 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
Parascombrops serratospinosus 鋸棘尖牙鱸 Parascombrops serratospinosus (Smith & Radcliffe 1912) Smith & Radcliffe 1912 魚類 Reappraisal of Synagrops Günther, 1887 with rehabilitation and revision of Parascombrops Alcock, 1889 including description of seven new species and two new genera (Perciformes: Acropomatidae)