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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Hypena tristalis Hypena tristalis 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Psilalcis breta rantaizana 巒大山擬霜尺蛾 Psilalcis breta rantaizana 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Lymantria mathura subpallida 波斑毒蛾 Lymantria mathura subpallida 蛾類 2013-6-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2013-6-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Crypsiptya coclesalis Crypsiptya coclesalis 蛾類 2013-8-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 Trilocha varians 蛾類 2014-1-4 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Parallelia stuposa Parallelia stuposa 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Xanthorhoe saturata Xanthorhoe saturata 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Eumelea ludovicata 雌黃粉尺蛾 Eumelea ludovicata ludovicata 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Asota heliconia zebrina 圓端擬燈蛾 Asota heliconia zebrina 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Parum colligata 構月天蛾 Parum colligata 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Hypena tristalis Hypena tristalis 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Psilalcis breta rantaizana 巒大山擬霜尺蛾 Psilalcis breta rantaizana 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Talanga sexpunctalis Talanga sexpunctalis 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2014-1-4 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Sesapa koshunica Sesapa koshunica 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Orgyia postica Orgyia postica 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 白波緣尺蛾 Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Mocis frugalis Mocis frugalis 蛾類 2014-7-19 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Glyphodes onychinalis Glyphodes onychinalis 蛾類 2014-7-19 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Hypospila bolinoides Hypospila bolinoides 蛾類 2014-9-27 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 白波緣尺蛾 Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Calluga costalis Calluga costalis 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Palpita hypohomalia 彎囊絹鬚野螟 Palpita hypohomalia 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 Trilocha varians 蛾類 2013-6-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 Trilocha varians 蛾類 2013-8-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2014-1-4 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Xanthorhoe saturata Xanthorhoe saturata 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Brunia antica 安土苔蛾 Brunia antica 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Creatonotos transiens koni 八點灰燈蛾 Creatonotos transiens koni 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Olene dudgeoni Olene dudgeoni 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Hypomecis punctinalis glos 月斑灰褐尺蛾 Hypomecis punctinalis glos 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 白波緣尺蛾 Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cleora alienaria 汙褐尖翅尺蛾 Cleora alienaria 蛾類 2014-7-19 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Syllepte taiwanalis 臺灣捲葉野螟 Syllepte taiwanalis 蛾類 2014-7-19 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Traminda aventiaria 缺口姬尺蛾 Traminda aventiaria 蛾類 2014-9-27 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 白波緣尺蛾 Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 白波緣尺蛾 Cusiala boarmoides boarmoides 蛾類 2013-4-13 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Setora postornata 八字眉刺蛾 Setora postornata 蛾類 2013-6-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Plusiodonta coelonota Plusiodonta coelonota 蛾類 2013-6-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Hyposidra talaca talaca Hyposidra talaca talaca 蛾類 2013-8-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 Trilocha varians 蛾類 2013-8-1 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Talanga sexpunctalis Talanga sexpunctalis 蛾類 2014-1-4 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Brunia antica 安土苔蛾 Brunia antica 蛾類 2014-2-5 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Creatonotos transiens koni 八點灰燈蛾 Creatonotos transiens koni 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Setora baibarana 眉原褐刺蛾 Setora baibarana 蛾類 2014-3-29 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Phlossa conjuncta 棗奕刺蛾 Phlossa conjuncta 蛾類 2014-5-24 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
Cleora repulsaria 褐鋸尺蛾 Cleora repulsaria repulsaria 蛾類 2014-7-19 台中市大肚區 Data-set of Moth Specimen from TESRI
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