Paspalum conjugatum Bergius 兩耳草 |
Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Euphorbia hirta L. 飛揚草 |
Euphorbia hirta L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 |
Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. 金腰箭 |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Phyllanthus tenellus Roxb. 五蕊油柑 |
Phyllanthus tenellus Roxb. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Tridax procumbens L. 長柄菊 |
Tridax procumbens L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs 大黍 |
Panicum maximum Jacq. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Portulaca oleracea L. 馬齒莧 |
Portulaca oleracea L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. 野牽牛 |
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. 地毯草 |
Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Euphorbia hirta L. 飛揚草 |
Euphorbia hirta L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Amaranthus viridis L. 野莧菜 |
Amaranthus viridis L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Amaranthus lividus L. 凹葉野莧菜 |
Amaranthus lividus L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Mimosa pudica L. 含羞草 |
Mimosa pudica L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. 假紫斑大戟 |
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. 金腰箭 |
Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sherff 大花咸豐草 |
Bidens pilosa var. radiata Sch.Bip. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. 地毯草 |
Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Mimosa pudica L. 含羞草 |
Mimosa pudica L. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 馬唐 |
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. 野牽牛 |
Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Chloris barbata Sw. 孟仁草 |
Chloris barbata Sw. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Cleome rutidosperma DC. 平伏莖白花菜 |
Cleome rutidosperma DC. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. 倒刺狗尾草 |
Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 |
Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs 大黍 |
Panicum maximum Jacq. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.Anderson |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. 小返魂 |
Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |
Chloris barbata Sw. 孟仁草 |
Chloris barbata Sw. |
被子植物 |
2012-8-22 |
高雄市苓雅區 |
Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan |