

查詢條件:找 類群=被子植物(或)裸子植物(或)蕨類(或)石松類 + 資料集=The digitization of plant specimens of NTU + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=宜蘭縣大同鄉, 共4,148筆重新查詢


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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Barthea barthei (Hance ex Benth.) Krasser 深山野牡丹 Barthea barthei (Hance ex Benth.) Krasser 被子植物 2007-6-1 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Barthea barthei (Hance ex Benth.) Krasser 深山野牡丹 Barthea barthei (Hance ex Benth.) Krasser 被子植物 2007-6-1 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Stellaria saxatilis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don 疏花繁縷 Stellaria saxatilis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don 被子植物 2006-7-1 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Lycopodium 石松屬 Lycopodium serratum var. longipetiolatum Spring 石松類 2003-9-19 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris hendersonii (Bedd.) C.Chr. 小苞鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris hendersonii (Bedd.) C.Chr. 蕨類 2003-9-19 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris peranema Li Bing Zhang 柄囊蕨 Peranema cyatheoides D.Don 蕨類 2003-9-19 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes rhomboidea (Wall. ex Mett.) Ching 斜方複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes rhomboidea var. yakushimensis (H.Itô) W.C.Shieh 蕨類 2003-9-19 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Huperzia somae (Hayata) Ching 相馬氏石杉 Lycopodium somai Hayata 石松類 2003-9-19 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Disporum 寶鐸花屬 Disporum shimadai Hayata 被子植物 2002-1-28 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris formosana (Christ) C.Chr. 臺灣鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris formosana (Christ) C.Chr. 蕨類 2000-3-25 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris atrata (Wall. ex Kunze) Ching 暗鱗鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris atrata (Wall) Ching 蕨類 2000-3-25 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes 複葉耳蕨屬 Leptorumohra quadripinnata (Hayata) H.Itô 蕨類 2000-3-25 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris atrata (Wall. ex Kunze) Ching 暗鱗鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris atrata (Wall) Ching 蕨類 2000-3-25 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa (Benth.) A.Gray 一枝黃花 Solidago virgaurea var. leiocarpa (Benth.) A.Gray 被子植物 2000-7-6 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Galium formosense Ohwi 圓葉豬殃殃 Galium formosense Ohwi 被子植物 2000-7-6 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cucubalus baccifer L. 狗筋蔓 Cucubalus baccifer L. 被子植物 2000-7-6 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Oenothera biennis L. 月見草 Oenothera biennis L. 被子植物 2000-7-6 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Eriocaulon chishingsanensis Chang 七星山穀精草 Eriocaulon chishingsanensis C.E.Chang 被子植物 1999-7-10 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 狹葉貫眾蕨 Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 蕨類 1999-11-24 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1999-11-24 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 狹葉貫眾蕨 Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 蕨類 1999-11-13 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris diffracta (Baker) C.Chr. 彎柄鱗毛蕨 Acrorumohra diffracta (Baker) H.Itô 蕨類 1999-11-24 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Polystichum parvipinnulum Tagawa 尖葉耳蕨 Polystichum parvipinnulum Tagawa 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Polystichum stenophyllum Christ 芽胞耳蕨 Polystichum stenophyllum (Franch.) Christ 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris scottii (Bedd.) Ching 史氏鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris scottii (Bedd.) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 狹葉貫眾蕨 Cyrtomium hookerianum (C.Presl) C.Chr. 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Dryopteris scottii (Bedd.) Ching 史氏鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris scottii (Bedd.) Ching 蕨類 1998-7-23 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Callicarpa formosana Rolfe Callicarpa formosana Rolfe 被子植物 1997-3-3 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Callicarpa randaiensis Hayata 巒大紫珠 Callicarpa randaiensis Hayata 被子植物 1997-7-17 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Peristrophe japonica (Thunb.) Bremek. 九頭獅子草 Peristrophe japonica (Thunb.) Bremek. 被子植物 1997-8-16 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Ipomoea alba L. 天茄兒 Ipomoea alba L. 被子植物 1997-8-16 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Kadsura japonica (L.) Dunal 南五味子 Kadsura japonica (L.fil.) Dunal 被子植物 1997-8-15 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Callicarpa formosana var. longifolia Suzuki 長葉杜虹花 Callicarpa formosana var. longifolia Suzuki 被子植物 1997-9-30 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 太平山細辛 Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 太平山細辛 Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Mazus delavayi Bonati 阿里山通泉草 Mazus delavayi Bonati 被子植物 1995-2-8 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 太平山細辛 Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum macranthum Hook.f. 大花細辛 Asarum macranthum Hook.fil. 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Veronica persica Poir. 阿拉伯婆婆納 Veronica persica Poir. 被子植物 1995-2-8 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Alpinia pricei Hayata 普萊氏月桃 Alpinia pricei Hayata 被子植物 1995-2-8 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 太平山細辛 Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 太平山細辛 Asarum taipingshanianum S.F.Huang, T.H.Hsieh & T.C.Huang 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Veronica javanica Blume 爪哇水苦蕒 Veronica javanica Blume 被子植物 1995-2-8 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Asarum macranthum Hook.f. 大花細辛 Asarum macranthum Hook.fil. 被子植物 1995-2-7 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Callicarpa formosana var. longifolia Suzuki 長葉杜虹花 Callicarpa formosana var. longifolia Suzuki 被子植物 1995-8-14 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Loganiaceae 馬錢科 Loganiaceae 被子植物 1994-3-30 宜蘭縣大同鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
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