

查詢條件:找 類群=被子植物 + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=台中市和平區 + 資料集=Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS), 共23筆重新查詢


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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Eustigma oblongifolium Gardner & Champ. 秀柱花 Eustigma oblongifolium Gardner et Champ. 被子植物 2001-3-1 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Boenninghausenia albiflora Rchb. 臭節草 Boenninghausenia albiflora (Hook.) Rchb. ex Meisn. var. albiflora 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Silene 蠅子草屬 Silene baccifera (L.) Roth var. baccifera 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Maesa perlaria (Lour.) Merr. 恆春山桂花 Maesa perlaria (Lour.) Merr. var. formosana (Mez) Yuen P.Yang 被子植物 2001-2-28 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Viburnum urceolatum Siebold & Zucc. 壺花莢蒾 Viburnum urceolatum Siebold et Zucc. 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Pittosporum illicioides Makino 疏果海桐 Pittosporum illicioides Makino 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. 海州常山 Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. var. trichotomum 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Ficus erecta Thunb. Ficus erecta Thunb. var. beecheyana (Hook. et Arn.) King 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. 山胡椒 Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. 被子植物 2002-3-12 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Rhamnus nakaharae (Hayata) Hayata 中原氏鼠李 Rhamnus nakaharae (Hayata) Hayata 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Corylopsis pauciflora Siebold & Zucc. 小葉瑞木 Corylopsis pauciflora Siebold et Zucc. 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. 天門冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Ficus erecta Thunb. Ficus erecta Thunb. var. beecheyana (Hook. et Arn.) King 被子植物 2003-6-24 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Pittosporum illicioides Makino 疏果海桐 Pittosporum illicioides Makino 被子植物 2002-4-16 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Cynanchum boudieri H.Lév. & Vaniot 薄葉牛皮消 Cynanchum boudieri H.Lév. et Vaniot 被子植物 2001-8-7 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Idesia polycarpa Maxim. 山桐子 Idesia polycarpa Maxim. 被子植物 2003-5-14 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Stellaria saxatilis Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don 疏花繁縷 Stellaria neglecta Weihe 被子植物 2003-5-14 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Perilla 紫蘇屬 Perilla hirtella Nakai 被子植物 1998-10-10 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Glochidion 饅頭果屬 Glochidion triandrum (Blanco) C.B.Rob. 被子植物 2003-4-18 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Viburnum luzonicum Rolfe 呂宋莢蒾 Viburnum luzonicum Rolfe 被子植物 2002-4-16 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. 竊衣 Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. 被子植物 2003-5-31 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Prunus 梅屬 Cerasus transarisanensis (Hayata) Masam. et S.Suzuki 被子植物 2003-5-31 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. 小葉胡頹子 Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. var. umbellata 被子植物 2003-5-31 台中市和平區 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)