

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=石竹目 Caryophyllales + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=桃園市中壢區, 共93筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Phytolacca americana L. 美洲商陸 Phytolacca americana L. 被子植物 2002-9-9 桃園市中壢區 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 空心蓮子草 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phytolacca americana L. 美洲商陸 Phytolacca americana L. 被子植物 2015-7-20 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phytolacca americana L. 美洲商陸 Phytolacca americana L. 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-21 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phytolacca americana L. 美洲商陸 Phytolacca americana L. 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 臭杏 Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 被子植物 2015-7-20 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 青莧 Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 被子植物 2015-7-20 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 空心蓮子草 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 被子植物 2015-7-21 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-22 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Basella alba L. 落葵 Basella alba L. 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 青莧 Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-22 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P.Beauv. 毛蓮子草 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) Voss 被子植物 2015-7-23 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 臭杏 Chenopodium ambrosioides L. 被子植物 2015-7-22 桃園市中壢區 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phytolacca americana L. 美洲商陸 Phytolacca americana L. 被子植物 2002-9-9 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Persicaria chinensis (L.) H.Gross 火炭母草 Polygonum chinense L. 被子植物 1989-6-15 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Persicaria chinensis (L.) H.Gross 火炭母草 Polygonum chinense L. 被子植物 1989-6-15 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 空心蓮子草 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 被子植物 1990-8-31 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 Alternanthera sessilis R.Br. 被子植物 1990-8-31 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 Alternanthera sessilis R.Br. 被子植物 1990-8-31 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 Alternanthera sessilis R.Br. 被子植物 1990-8-31 桃園市中壢區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute