

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=木蘭亞綱 Magnoliidae + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=彰化縣福興鄉, 共711筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sherff 大花咸豐草 Bidens pilosa var. radiata Sch.Bip. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium album L. 藜 Chenopodium album L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. 倒刺狗尾草 Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2014-3-21 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke 賽葵 Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium glaucum L. 灰綠藜 Chenopodium glaucum L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Sonchus oleraceus L. 苦滇菜 Sonchus oleraceus Wall. 被子植物 2014-3-21 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke 賽葵 Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke 被子植物 2014-3-21 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Helianthus debilis Nuttall Helianthus debilis var. cucumerifolius (Torr. & A.Gray) A.Gray 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Tridax procumbens L. 長柄菊 Tridax procumbens L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Polygonum 蓼屬 Polygonum L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium album L. 藜 Chenopodium album L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Polygonum plebeium R.Br. 假扁蓄 Polygonum plebeium R.Br. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Sida rhombifolia L. 金午時花 Sida rhombifolia L. 被子植物 2014-3-21 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br. 毛果薯 Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Cuscuta campestris Yunck. 平原菟絲子 Cuscuta campestris Yunck. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chloris barbata Sw. 孟仁草 Chloris barbata Sw. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf 雙花草 Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Panicum repens L. 舖地黍 Panicum repens L. 被子植物 2014-3-21 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 空心蓮子草 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Panicum repens L. 舖地黍 Panicum repens L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Rumex maritimus L. 連明子 Rumex maritimus L. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. 甘薯 Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. 被子植物 2014-3-20 彰化縣福興鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan