

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=木蘭亞綱 Magnoliidae + 類群=被子植物 + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=嘉義縣新港鄉, 共1,613筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Digitaria 馬唐屬 Digitaria microbachne (J.Presl) Henrard 被子植物 1970-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Chloris formosana (Honda) Keng 臺灣虎尾草 Chloris formosana (Honda) Keng 被子植物 1970-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Eriochloa procera (Retz.) C.E.Hubb. 高野黍 Eriochloa procera (Retz.) C.E.Hubb. 被子植物 1970-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Fimbristylis littoralis Gaud. 水虱草 Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich. 被子植物 1959-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Fimbristylis littoralis Gaud. 水虱草 Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich. 被子植物 1959-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cyperus difformis L. 異花莎草 Cyperus difformis L. 被子植物 1959-12-12 嘉義縣新港鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Euphorbia serpens Kunth 匍根大戟 Euphorbia serpens Kunth 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) Walker 野茼蒿 Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E.Walker 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sherff 大花咸豐草 Bidens pilosa var. radiata Sch.Bip. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 馬唐 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. 小返魂 Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell 細葉水丁香 Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 青莧 Amaranthus patulus Bertol. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus lividus L. 凹葉野莧菜 Amaranthus lividus L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. 假紫斑大戟 Euphorbia hypericifolia L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chloris barbata Sw. 孟仁草 Chloris barbata Sw. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Portulaca oleracea L. 馬齒莧 Portulaca oleracea L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chloris barbata Sw. 孟仁草 Chloris barbata Sw. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chenopodium album L. 藜 Chenopodium album L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2013-6-27 嘉義縣新港鄉 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Eragrostis atrovirens (Desv.) Trin. ex Steud. 鼠婦草 Eragrostis atrovirens (Desf.) Trin. ex Steud. 被子植物 1908-7-25 嘉義縣新港鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Machilus philippinensis Merr. 菲律賓楠 Machilus philippinensis Merr. 被子植物 2010-3-2 嘉義縣新港鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Machilus philippinensis Merr. 菲律賓楠 Machilus philippinensis Merr. 被子植物 2010-3-15 嘉義縣新港鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute