

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=真葉類總綱 Euphyllophytes + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=屏東縣, 共190,007筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Xanthium strumarium L. 蒼耳 Xanthium strumarium L. 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Aucuba chinensis Benth. 桃葉珊瑚 Aucuba chinensis Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Aucuba chinensis Benth. 桃葉珊瑚 Aucuba chinensis Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Aucuba chinensis Benth. 桃葉珊瑚 Aucuba chinensis Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cyperus rotundus L. 香附子 Cyperus rotundus L. 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Eleocharis dulcis (Burm.f.) Trin. ex Hensch. Eleocharis dulcis (Burm.f.) Trin. ex Hensch. 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl 兩歧飄拂草 Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.) J.Kern 卵形飄拂草 Fimbristylis ovata (Burm.f.) J.Kern 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume 虎皮楠 Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii (Hemsl.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume 虎皮楠 Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii (Hemsl.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume 虎皮楠 Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii (Hemsl.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume 虎皮楠 Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii (Hemsl.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 軟毛柿 Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣車城鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 軟毛柿 Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 軟毛柿 Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Elaeagnus thunbergii Serv. 鄧氏胡頹子 Elaeagnus thunbergii Servett. 被子植物 屏東縣霧臺鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir. Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir. 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir. Elaeocarpus sylvestris (Lour.) Poir. 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Sloanea formosana H.L.Li 猴歡喜 Sloanea formosana Li 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Rhododendron latoucheae Franch. 西施花 Rhododendron leptosanthum Hayata 被子植物 屏東縣霧臺鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim. 金毛杜鵑 Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim. 被子植物 屏東縣霧臺鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Antidesma pentandrum var. barbatum (C.Presl) Merr. 枯里珍 Antidesma pentandrum var. barbatum (C.Presl) Merr. 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Bischofia javanica Blume 茄冬 Bischofia javanica Blume 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax 交力坪鐵色 Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax & K.Hoffm. 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan