

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=真核生物域 Eukaryota + 資料集=Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020 + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=台南市玉井區, 共3,171筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Navicula exigua Gregory ex Grunow Navicula exigua Gregory ex Grunow 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cymbella lanceolata Ehrenberg Van Heurck Cymbella lanceolata Ehrenberg Van Heurck 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cymbella lanceolata Ehrenberg Van Heurck Cymbella lanceolata Ehrenberg Van Heurck 原藻類 2014-11-19 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Gomphonema parvulum Kützing Grunow Gomphonema parvulum Kutzing Grunow 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cymbella affinis Kützing Cymbella affinis Kutzing 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cymbella turgidula Grum. Cymbella turgidula Grum. 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg 原藻類 2015-10-14 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Synedra ulna Nitzsch Ehrenberg Synedra ulna Nitzsch Ehrenberg 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Tryblionella acuminata W.Smith, 1853 尖錐盤杆藻 Tryblionella acuminata W.Smith, 1853 原藻類 2014-8-28 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2015-10-14 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Zosterops simplex 斯氏繡眼 Zosterops simplex 鳥類 2015-8-11 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Dicrurus macrocercus 大卷尾 Dicrurus macrocercus 鳥類 2015-5-11 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Streptopelia tranquebarica 紅鳩 Streptopelia tranquebarica 鳥類 2015-5-11 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Hirundo tahitica 洋燕 Hirundo tahitica 鳥類 2015-2-9 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Zosterops simplex 斯氏繡眼 Zosterops simplex 鳥類 2014-11-17 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Dicrurus macrocercus 大卷尾 Dicrurus macrocercus 鳥類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pycnonotus sinensis 白頭翁 Pycnonotus sinensis 鳥類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Caridina pseudodenticulata 假鋸齒米蝦 Caridina pseudodenticulata 蝦蟹類 2015-8-11 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Tarebia granifera 瘤蜷 Tarebia granifera 蝸牛與貝類 2014-11-17 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Tarebia granifera 瘤蜷 Tarebia granifera 蝸牛與貝類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Tarebia granifera 瘤蜷 Tarebia granifera 蝸牛與貝類 2015-2-9 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Rhinogobius maculafasciatus 斑帶吻鰕虎 Rhinogobius maculafasciatus 魚類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Rhinogobius maculafasciatus 斑帶吻鰕虎 Rhinogobius maculafasciatus 魚類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Sinogastromyzon nantaiensis 南臺中華爬岩鰍 Sinogastromyzon nantaiensis 魚類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Pterygoplichthys pardalis 豹紋翼甲鯰 Pterygoplichthys pardalis 魚類 2014-8-25 台南市玉井區 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020