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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Phalacrocorax capillatus 丹氏鸕鷀 Phalacrocorax capillatus 鳥類 2023-4-11 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea cinerea 蒼鷺 Ardea cinerea 鳥類 2023-4-11 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Sula dactylatra 鳥類 2022-7-27 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea cinerea 蒼鷺 Ardea cinerea 鳥類 2022-7-27 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Apus nipalensis 小雨燕 Apus nipalensis 鳥類 2022-7-27 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sterna sumatrana 蒼燕鷗 Sterna sumatrana 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Anous stolidus 玄燕鷗 Anous stolidus 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Motacilla tschutschensis 東方黃鶺鴒 Motacilla tschutschensis 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Sula dactylatra 鳥類 2011 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2016 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2016 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Motacilla cinerea 灰鶺鴒 Motacilla cinerea 鳥類 2016 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Sula dactylatra 鳥類 2016 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Egretta garzetta 小白鷺 Egretta garzetta 鳥類 2016 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea alba 大白鷺 Ardea alba 鳥類 2022-9-30 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2022-9-30 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea cinerea 蒼鷺 Ardea cinerea 鳥類 2022-9-30 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2022-9-30 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea cinerea 蒼鷺 Ardea cinerea 鳥類 2018 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2018 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Hirundo rustica 家燕 Hirundo rustica 鳥類 2018 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Monticola solitarius 藍磯鶇 Monticola solitarius 鳥類 2018 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2013 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2013 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Apus nipalensis 小雨燕 Apus nipalensis 鳥類 2013 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Phalacrocorax carbo 鸕鷀 Phalacrocorax carbo 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea intermedia 中白鷺 Ardea intermedia 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Butastur indicus 灰面鵟鷹 Butastur indicus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2023-9-18 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Nycticorax nycticorax 夜鷺 Nycticorax nycticorax 鳥類 2023-9-18 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2023-9-18 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Lanius cristatus 紅尾伯勞 Lanius cristatus 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Nycticorax nycticorax 夜鷺 Nycticorax nycticorax 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Egretta garzetta 小白鷺 Egretta garzetta 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Hirundo rustica 家燕 Hirundo rustica 鳥類 2020 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Anous stolidus 玄燕鷗 Anous stolidus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Onychoprion anaethetus 白眉燕鷗 Onychoprion anaethetus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Chlidonias leucopterus 白翅黑燕鷗 Chlidonias leucopterus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Sula dactylatra 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Columba livia 野鴿 Columba livia 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco tinnunculus 紅隼 Falco tinnunculus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Falco peregrinus 遊隼 Falco peregrinus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Hirundo rustica 家燕 Hirundo rustica 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
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