

查詢條件:找 資料集=Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus) + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=苗栗縣, 共31筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Fimbristylis 飄拂草屬 Fimbristylis sp. 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) Schultes 武靴藤 Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) Schult. 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C.Presl 鴨舌草 Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) C.Presl 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Smilax 菝葜屬 Smilax varginata Decne. 被子植物 1996-11-2 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Cynanchum 牛皮消屬 Cynanchum taiwanianum Yamaz. 被子植物 1996-11-2 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Viburnum foetidum Wall. 臭莢蒾 Viburnum foetidum Wall. var. rectangulatum (Graebn.) Rehder 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz. 扶芳藤 Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz. var. fortunei 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Impatiens devolii T.C.Huang 棣慕華鳳仙花 Impatiens devolii T.C.Huang 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Carpinus kawakamii Hayata 阿里山千金榆 Carpinus kawakamii Hayata 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Maesa perlaria var. formosana (Mez) Yuen P.Yang 臺灣山桂花 Maesa montana A.DC. var. formosana (Mez) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Litsea 木薑子屬 Litsea kostermansii C.E.Chang 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Litsea akoensis Hayata 屏東木薑子 Litsea akoensis Hayata var. akoensis 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Corydalis tashiroi Makino 臺灣黃菫 Corydalis tashiroi Makino 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi 風藤 Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Glycosmis 石苓舅屬 Glycosmis cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre ex Engl. 被子植物 1998-2-16 苗栗縣三義鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. 薺 Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. 闊葉鴨舌癀舅 Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC. 雙面刺 Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC. 被子植物 1997-12-26 苗栗縣苑裡鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Litsea elongata (Wall. ex Nees) Hook.f. 黃丹木薑子 Litsea elongata (Wall. ex Nees) Benth. et Hook.f. var. mushaensis (Hayata) J.C.Liao 被子植物 1997-10-24 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Myrsine stolonifera (Koidz.) Walker 蔓竹杞 Myrsine stolonifera (Koidz.) E.Wakler 被子植物 1996-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Kinostemon ningpoensis (Hemsl.) Kudô 1996-11-2 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Sageretia thea (Osbeck) Johnst. Sageretia thea (Osbeck) M.C.Johnst. var. thea 被子植物 1997-12-20 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Gaultheria cumingiana Vidal 白珠樹 Gaultheria cumingiana S.Vidal 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Rosa taiwanensis Nakai 小金櫻 Rosa taiwanensis Nakai 被子植物 1997-12-20 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Rubus rosifolius Sm. 刺莓 Rubus rosifolius Sm. 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Taxillus tsaii S.T.Chiu 蓮華池桑寄生 Taxillus tsaii S.T.Chiu 被子植物 1997-12-20 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Clematis lasiandra Maxim. 小木通 Clematis lasiandra Maxim. 被子植物 1997-11-1 苗栗縣泰安鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Maesa perlaria var. formosana (Mez) Yuen P.Yang 臺灣山桂花 Maesa montana A.DC. var. formosana (Mez) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 1998-3-22 苗栗縣頭屋鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Lindera communis Hemsl. 香葉樹 Lindera communis Hemsl. var. communis 被子植物 1998-3-22 苗栗縣頭屋鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Litsea 木薑子屬 Litsea kostermansii C.E.Chang 被子植物 1998-3-22 苗栗縣頭屋鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)
Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 華八仙 Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. var. chinensis 被子植物 1998-3-22 苗栗縣頭屋鄉 Vascular Plant Specimens of the URO Herbarium (Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus)