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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Abroscopus albogularis fulvifacies 棕面鶯(fulvifacies亞種) "Abroscopus albogularis fulvifacies (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Aegithalos concinnus concinnus 紅頭山雀 "Aegithalos concinnus concinnus (Gould 鳥類 2011-1-17 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Aegithalos concinnus concinnus 紅頭山雀 "Aegithalos concinnus concinnus (Gould 鳥類 2011-1-17 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Aegithalos concinnus concinnus 紅頭山雀 "Aegithalos concinnus concinnus (Gould 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-1-18 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Periparus ater ptilosus 煤山雀(ptilosus亞種) "Periparus ater ptilosus (Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Periparus ater ptilosus 煤山雀(ptilosus亞種) "Periparus ater ptilosus (Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Regulus goodfellowi 火冠戴菊鳥 "Regulus goodfellowi Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Horornis acanthizoides concolor 深山鶯 "Horornis acanthizoides concolor (Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Liocichla steerii 黃胸藪眉 "Liocichla steerii Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Nucifraga caryocatactes owstoni 星鴉(owstoni亞種) "Nucifraga caryocatactes owstoni (Ingram 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Sitta europaea formosana 茶腹鳾(formosana亞種) "Sitta europaea sinensis (Verreaux 鳥類 2011-7-9 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Niltava vivida 黃腹琉璃 "Niltava vivida vivida (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 "Heterophasia auricularis (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 "Heterophasia auricularis (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 "Heterophasia auricularis (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Yuhina brunneiceps 冠羽畫眉 "Yuhina brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Yuhina brunneiceps 冠羽畫眉 "Yuhina brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 "Alcippe morrisonia Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Myiomela leucura montium 白尾鴝(montium亞種) "Cinclidium leucurum montium (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Myiomela leucura montium 白尾鴝(montium亞種) "Cinclidium leucurum montium (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Myiomela leucura montium 白尾鴝(montium亞種) "Cinclidium leucurum montium (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Abroscopus albogularis fulvifacies 棕面鶯(fulvifacies亞種) "Abroscopus albogularis fulvifacies (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-14 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Myiomela leucura montium 白尾鴝(montium亞種) "Cinclidium leucurum montium (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-14 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Myiomela leucura montium 白尾鴝(montium亞種) "Cinclidium leucurum montium (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-14 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Otus spilocephalus hambroecki 黃嘴角鴞(hambroecki亞種) "Otus spilocephalus hambroecki (Blyth 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Otus spilocephalus hambroecki 黃嘴角鴞(hambroecki亞種) "Otus spilocephalus hambroecki (Blyth 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Otus spilocephalus hambroecki 黃嘴角鴞(hambroecki亞種) "Otus spilocephalus hambroecki (Blyth 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Otus spilocephalus hambroecki 黃嘴角鴞(hambroecki亞種) "Otus spilocephalus hambroecki (Blyth 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Picus canus tancolo 綠啄木(tancolo亞種) "Picus canus tancolo Gmelin 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
Parus monticolus insperatus 青背山雀(insperatus亞種) "Parus monticolus insperatus (Swinhoe 鳥類 2011-4-15 花蓮縣卓溪鄉 第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey
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