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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Dicranaceae 曲尾苔科 Dicranaceae 苔蘚 1980-3-27 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Meteoriaceae 蔓苔科 Meteoriaceae 苔蘚 1980-3-27 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Amblystegiaceae 柳葉苔科 Amblystegiaceae 苔蘚 1980-3-27 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Amblystegiaceae 柳葉苔科 Amblystegiaceae 苔蘚 1980-3-27 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Dicranum 曲尾苔屬 Dicranum 苔蘚 1980-3-27 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Eurhynchium 美喙苔屬 Eurhynchium arbusculum var. acuminatum 苔蘚 1932-8-18 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Brachythecium 青苔屬 Brachythecium formosanum 苔蘚 1932-8-21 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Pseudopleuropus morrisonensis 1932-8-20 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Homalothecium 同蒴苔屬 Homalothecium perimbricatum var. brevifolium 苔蘚 1932-8-21 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Brachythecium 青苔屬 Brachythecium formosanum 苔蘚 1932-8-21 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum
Mnium 提燈苔屬 Mnium arisanense 苔蘚 1932-8 Bryophyte specimens of The Nagoya University Museum