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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Epinephelus bleekeri 布氏石斑魚 Epinephelus bleekeri (Vaillant, 1878) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cromileptes altivelis 駝背鱸 Cromileptes altivelis (Valenciennes, 1828) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Scorpaenopsis venosa 枕脊擬鮋 Scorpaenopsis venosa (Cuvier, 1829) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cephalopholis boenak 橫紋九刺鮨 Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Polydactylus sexfilis 六絲多指馬鮁 Polydactylus sexfilis (Valenciennes, 1831) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Lutjanus lutjanus 正笛鯛 Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, 1790 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Sillago sihama 多鱗沙鮻 Sillago sihama (Forsskål, 1775) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Apogon 天竺鯛屬 Apogon kallopterus Bleeker, 1856 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Plectropomus leopardus 花斑刺鰓鮨 Plectropomus leopardus (Lacepède, 1802) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus 檸檬斑鮃 Pseudorhombus cinnamoneus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Takifugu niphobles 黑點多紀魨 Takifugu niphobles (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Scolopsis vosmeri 伏氏眶棘鱸 Scolopsis vosmeri (Bloch, 1792) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cheilodactylus zebra 斑馬唇指䱵 Goniistius zebra (Döderlein, 1883) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Epinephelus fasciatomaculosus 斑帶石斑魚 Epinephelus fasciatomaculosus (Peters, 1865) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Liopropoma erythraeum 黑緣長鱸 Liopropoma erythraeum Randall & Taylor, 1988 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Scorpaenopsis diabolus 毒擬鮋 Scorpaenopsis diabolus (Cuvier, 1829) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Ostracion 箱魨屬 Ostracion immaculatum Temminck & Schlegel, 1850 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cephalopholis boenak 橫紋九刺鮨 Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Pterois russelii 勒氏蓑鮋 Pterois russelii Bennett, 1831 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Platycephalus indicus 印度牛尾魚 Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Heniochus acuminatus 白吻雙帶立旗鯛 Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Glaucosoma buergeri 葉鯛 Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson, 1845 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Epinephelus awoara 青石斑魚 Epinephelus awoara (Temminck & Schlegel, 1842) 魚類 1988 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Lutjanus fulviflamma 火斑笛鯛 Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskål, 1775) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Scolopsis bilineata 雙帶眶棘鱸 Scolopsis bilineata (Bloch, 1793) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Siganus argenteus 銀臭肚魚 Siganus argenteus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Hapalogenys 髭鯛屬 Hapalogenys mucronatus (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1850) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Ephippus orbis 圓白鯧 Ephippus orbis (Bloch, 1787) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Pteragogus enneacanthus 九棘長鰭鸚鯛 Pteragogus flagellifer (Valenciennes, 1839) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Histiopterus typus 帆鰭魚 Histiopterus typus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Monacanthus chinensis 中華單棘魨 Monacanthus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Microcanthus strigatus 柴魚 Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier, 1831) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Parapercis clathrata 四斑擬鱸 Parapercis clathrata Ogilby, 1910 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Lepidotrigla japonica 日本鱗角魚 Lepidotrigla japonica (Bleeker, 1854) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Bleekeria mitsukurii 箕作布氏筋魚 Embolichthys mitsukurii (Jordan & Evermann, 1902) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Sphyraena flavicauda 黃尾金梭魚 Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell, 1838 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Thalassoma lunare 新月錦魚 Thalassoma lunare (Linnaeus, 1758) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Parapercis pulchella 美擬鱸 Parapercis pulchella (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Lagocephalus sceleratus 圓斑扁尾魨 Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Epinephelus akaara 赤點石斑魚 Epinephelus akaara (Temminck & Schlegel, 1842) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Epinephelus tauvina 鱸滑石斑魚 Epinephelus corallicola (Valenciennes, 1828) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Larimichthys crocea 大黃魚 Larimichthys crocea (Richardson, 1846) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Arothron hispidus 紋腹叉鼻魨 Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Epinephelus trimaculatus 三斑石斑魚 Epinephelus trimaculatus (Valenciennes, 1828) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Cephalopholis argus 斑點九刺鮨 Cephalopholis argus Schneider, 1801 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Lutjanus fulviflamma 火斑笛鯛 Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskål, 1775) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Parapercis lutevittata 沙鱸 Parapercis lutevittata Liao, Cheng & Shao, 2011 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Plotosus lineatus 線紋鰻鯰 Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1787) 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Gomphosus varius 雜色尖嘴魚 Gomphosus caeruleus Lacepède, 1801 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
Glaucosoma buergeri 葉鯛 Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson, 1845 魚類 1988-1 澎湖縣馬公市 Occurrence records of southern African aquatic biodiversity
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