

查詢條件:找 資料集=Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=南投縣竹山鎮 + 類群=其他昆蟲, 共7筆重新查詢


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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio comunis (MS)||''|| 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Figitidae 環腹癭蜂科 Figitidae||''||Hartig 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio comunis (MS)||''|| 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio comunis (MS)||''|| 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio comunis (MS)||''|| 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio comunis (MS)||''|| 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University
Scelio 緣腹細蜂屬 Scelio||''||Latreille 其他昆蟲 南投縣竹山鎮 Triplehorn Insect Collection, The Ohio State University