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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Ctenitis subglandulosa (Hance) Ching 肋毛蕨 Ctenitis subglandulosa (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Goniophlebium formosanum (Baker) Rӧdl-Linder 臺灣棱脈蕨 Polypodium formosanum Baker 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Polystichum hancockii (Hance) Diels 韓氏耳蕨 Polystichum hancockii (Hance) Diels 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Trichomanes 窗格狀瓶蕨屬 Trichomanes auriculatum Blume 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Asplenium cuneatiforme Christ 大蓬萊鐵角蕨 Asplenium cuneatiforme Christ 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Asplenium antiquum Makino 山蘇花 Asplenium antiquum Makino 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 臺灣兩面複葉耳蕨 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Cheiropleuria integrifolia (D.C.Eaton ex Hook.) M.Kato, Y.Yatabe, Sahashi & N.Murak. 燕尾蕨 Cheiropleuria bicuspis (Blume) C.Presl 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Monachosorum henryi Christ 稀子蕨 Monachosorum henryi Christ 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Thelypteris 金星蕨屬 Thelypteris griffithii (T.Moore) C.F.Reed 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Deparia formosana (Rosenst.) R.Sano 假腸蕨 Dictyodroma formosana (Rosenst.) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Dryopteris formosana (Christ) C.Chr. 臺灣鱗毛蕨 Dryopteris formosana (Christ) C.Chr. x D. urophylla (Mett.) C.Chr. 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Diplazium pullingeri (Baker) J.Sm. 樸氏雙蓋蕨 Diplazium pullingeri (Baker) J.Sm. 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Ctenitis eatonii (Baker) Ching 愛德氏肋毛蕨 Ctenitis eatonii (Baker) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Asplenium nitidum Sw.; Asplenium cuneatum Lam. 大黑柄鐵角蕨; Asplenium cuneatum Lam. 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Ctenitis subglandulosa (Hance) Ching 肋毛蕨 Ctenitis subglandulosa (Hance) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. 芒萁 Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Tricholepidium buergerianum (Miq.) Fraser-Jenk. 波氏星蕨 Microsorum buergerianum (Miq.) Ching 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farw. 石韋 Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farw. 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Trichomanes 窗格狀瓶蕨屬 Trichomanes obscurum Blume 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
Diplazium 雙蓋蕨屬 Diplazium petrii Tardieu 蕨類 1989-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)