Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr. 濱豇豆 |
Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr. |
被子植物 |
2002-1-31 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-6 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-7 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hypericum geminiflorum Hemsl. 雙花金絲桃 |
Hypericum geminiflorum Hemsl. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-16 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. 小葉石薯 |
Gonostegia matsudae (Yamam.) Yamam. & Masam. |
被子植物 |
1997-5-17 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Desmodium intortum (DC.) Urb. 營多藤 |
Desmodium intortum (Mill.) Urb. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Veronica undulata Wall. 水苦蕒 |
Veronica undulata Wall. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hyptis rhomboides Mart. & Gal. 頭花香苦草 |
Hyptis rhomboides Mart. & Gal., 1844 |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Labiatae |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Veronica undulata Wall. 水苦蕒 |
Veronica undulata Wall. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Desmodium heterophyllum (Willd.) DC. 變葉山螞蝗 |
Desmodium heterophyllum (Willd.) DC. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Mosla 石薺薴屬 |
Mosla punctulata (J.F.Gmel.) Nakai |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ocimum gratissimum L. 美羅勒 |
Ocimum gratissimum L. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ammannia multiflora Roxb. 多花水莧菜 |
Ammannia multiflora Roxb. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne 美洲水豬母乳 |
Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ammannia baccifera L. 水莧菜 |
Ammannia baccifera L. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Indigofera 木藍屬 |
Indigofera hirsuta L. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Bonnaya ruellioides (Colsm.) Spreng. 旱田草 |
Vandellia antipoda (L.) T.Yamaz. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Crotalaria assamica Benth. 大豬屎豆 |
Crotalaria assamica Benth. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Aeschynomene indica L. 合萌 |
Aeschynomene indica L. |
被子植物 |
1995-1-21 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Kalimeris 雞兒腸屬 |
Kalimeris indica (L.) Sch.Bip. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-22 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Erechtites 饑荒草屬 |
Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Dentella repens (L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. 小牙草 |
Dentella repens (L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Lysimachia mauritiana Lam. 茅毛珍珠菜 |
Lysimachia mauritiana Lam. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Heteropappus Less. |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ocimum gratissimum L. 美羅勒 |
Ocimum gratissimum L. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Euphorbiaceae 大戟科 |
Euphorbiaceae |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Indigofera trifoliata L. 三葉木藍 |
Indigofera trifoliata L. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. 三葉茴香 |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Medicago lupulina L. 天藍苜蓿 |
Medicago lupulina L. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Grewia rhombifolia Kaneh. & Sasaki 菱葉捕魚木 |
Grewia rhombifolia Kaneh. & Sasaki |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey 雙輪瓜 |
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey |
被子植物 |
1993-5-24 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. 茴香 |
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Erechtites 饑荒草屬 |
Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Clematis uncinata Champ. ex Benth. 柱果鐵線蓮 |
Clematis uncinata Champ. ex Benth. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. 小葉括根 |
Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hedyotis 耳草屬 |
Hedyotis coreana H.Lév. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. 三葉茴香 |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ligustrum sinense Lour. 小實女貞 |
Ligustrum microcarpum Kaneh. & Sasaki |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Vigna reflexopilosa Hayata 曲毛豇豆 |
Vigna reflexopilosa Hayata |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. 三葉茴香 |
Pimpinella diversifolia DC. |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey 雙輪瓜 |
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey |
被子植物 |
1993-5-26 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Sedum formosanum N.E.Br. 臺灣佛甲草 |
Sedum formosanum N.E.Br. |
被子植物 |
1993-12-13 |
花蓮縣花蓮市 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |