

查詢條件:找 資料集=National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=宜蘭縣南澳鄉, 共561筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Wight & Arn.) Sprague 厚皮香 Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Wight & Arn.) Sprague 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ilex goshiensis Hayata 圓葉冬青 Ilex goshiensis Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Pieris taiwanensis Hayata 臺灣馬醉木 Pieris taiwanensis Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Castanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky 米櫧 Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii (Hemsl.) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Pasania harlandii (Hance ex Walp.) Oerst. 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. 土肉桂 Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 紅楠 Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ardisia sieboldii Miq. 樹杞 Ardisia sieboldii Miq. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Osmanthus matsumuranus Hayata 大葉木犀 Osmanthus matsumuranus Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata 短距粉蝶蘭 Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 狗骨仔 Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Veronica morrisonicola Hayata 玉山水苦藚 Veronica morrisonicola Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Eurya leptophylla Hayata 薄葉柃木 Eurya leptophylla Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Eurya loquaiana Dunn 細枝柃木 Eurya loquaiana Dunn 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Heptapleurum heptaphyllum (L.) Y.F.Deng 鵝掌柴 Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Castanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky 米櫧 Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii (Hemsl.) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Pasania konishii (Hayata) Schottky 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. 曲芒髮草 Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Illicium arborescens Hayata 臺灣八角 Illicium arborescens Hayata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Litsea acuminata (Blume) Sa.Kurata 長葉木薑子 Litsea acuminata (Blume) Kurata 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 紅楠 Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 狗骨仔 Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Lycopodium clavatum L. 石松 Lycopodium clavatum L. 石松類 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Diospyros morrisiana Hance 山紅柿 Diospyros morrisiana Hance 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Vaccinium wrightii A.Gray Vaccinium wrightii A.Gray 被子植物 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan