

查詢條件:找 類群=鳥類 + 資料集=Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2), 共2,823筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Psilopogon nuchalis 五色鳥 Psilopogon nuchalis 鳥類 2023-7 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Alcippe morrisonia 繡眼畫眉 Alcippe morrisonia 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 綠畫眉(griseiloris亞種) Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 綠畫眉(griseiloris亞種) Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 綠畫眉(griseiloris亞種) Erpornis zantholeuca griseiloris 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Cyanoderma ruficeps praecognitum 山紅頭(praecognitum亞種) Cyanoderma ruficeps praecognitum 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Dicrurus aeneus braunianus 小卷尾(braunianus亞種) Dicrurus aeneus braunianus 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Strix leptogrammica caligata 褐林鴞 Strix leptogrammica caligata 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 Heterophasia auricularis 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 Heterophasia auricularis 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Heterophasia auricularis 白耳畫眉 Heterophasia auricularis 鳥類 2023-4 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Garrulus glandarius 松鴉 Garrulus glandarius 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Pericrocotus solaris 灰喉山椒 Pericrocotus solaris 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Pericrocotus solaris 灰喉山椒 Pericrocotus solaris 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Dendrocitta formosae formosae 樹鵲(台灣亞種) Dendrocitta formosae formosae 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Dendrocitta formosae formosae 樹鵲(台灣亞種) Dendrocitta formosae formosae 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Cyanoderma ruficeps praecognitum 山紅頭(praecognitum亞種) Cyanoderma ruficeps praecognitum 鳥類 2023-2 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Erythrogenys erythrocnemis 大彎嘴 Erythrogenys erythrocnemis 鳥類 2023-10 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Motacilla cinerea cinerea 灰鶺鴒(指名亞種) Motacilla cinerea cinerea 鳥類 2023-10 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-10 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 紅嘴黑鵯(台灣亞種) Hypsipetes leucocephalus nigerrimus 鳥類 2023-10 新北市烏來區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)