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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Liquidambar formosana Hance 楓香 Liquidambar formosana Hance 被子植物 1994-5-5 嘉義縣番路鄉 A taxonomic synopsis of Altingiaceae with nine new combinations
Bombax 木棉屬 Bombax malabaricum DC. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Litsea akoensis Hayata 屏東木薑子 Litsea akoensis Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 假長葉楠 Machilus japonica var. kusanoi (Hayata) J.C.Liao 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 假長葉楠 Machilus japonica var. kusanoi (Hayata) J.C.Liao 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glycosmis citrifolia (Willd.) Lindl. 石苓舅 Glycosmis citrifolia (Willd.) Lindl. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Itea parviflora Hemsl. 小花鼠刺 Itea parviflora Hemsl. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Celtis formosana Hayata 石朴 Celtis formosana Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Lepidagathis formosensis C.B.Clarke ex Hayata 臺灣鱗球花 Lepidagathis formosensis C.B.Clarke ex Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 軟毛柿 Diospyros eriantha Champ. ex Benth. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 水同木 Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Sapindus 無患子屬 Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Trema orientale (L.) Blume 山黃麻 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Dendrocnide meyeniana (Walp.) Chew 咬人狗 Dendrocnide meyeniana (Walp.) Chew 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Saurauia tristyla DC. 水冬瓜 Saurauia tristyla var. oldhamii Finet & Gagnep. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Heptapleurum heptaphyllum (L.) Y.F.Deng 鵝掌柴 Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Viburnum odoratissimum Ker Gawl. 珊瑚樹 Viburnum odoratissimum KerGawl. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Rhododendron latoucheae Franch. 西施花 Rhododendron leptosanthum Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll.Arg. 白匏子 Mallotus paniculatus (Lam.) Müll.Arg. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Triadica cochinchinensis Lour. 白桕 Sapium discolor (Champ. ex Benth.) Müll.Arg. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W.T.Wang 尖舌草 Rhynchoglossum obliquum var. hologlossum (Hayata) W.T.Wang 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus zuihoensis Hayata 香楠 Machilus zuihoensis Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Liriope spicata Lour. 麥門冬 Liriope spicata Lour. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Persicaria chinensis (L.) H.Gross 火炭母草 Polygonum chinense L. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 華八仙 Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume 虎皮楠 Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii (Hemsl.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Aleurites 石栗屬 Aleurites montanus (Lour.) E.H.Wilson 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Litsea hypophaea Hayata 小梗木薑子 Litsea hypophaea Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 水同木 Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 水同木 Ficus fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ardisia virens Kurz 黑星紫金牛 Ardisia virens Kurz 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Helicia formosana Hemsl. 山龍眼 Helicia formosana Hemsl. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack 月橘 Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Meliosma rhoifolia Maxim. 山豬肉 Meliosma rhoifolia Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. 臺灣土茯苓 Smilax lanceifolia Roxb. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hedychium coronarium J.Koenig 野薑花 Hedychium coronarium J.Koenig 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Saurauia tristyla DC. 水冬瓜 Saurauia tristyla var. oldhamii Finet & Gagnep. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ardisia cornudentata subsp. morrisonensis (Hayata) Yuen P.Yang 玉山紫金牛 Ardisia cornudentata subsp. morrisonensis (Hayata) Yuen P.Yang 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Maesa perlaria var. formosana (Mez) Yuen P.Yang 臺灣山桂花 Maesa perlaria var. formosana (Mez) Yuen P.Yang 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 華八仙 Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cyclosorus dentatus (Forssk.) Ching 野小毛蕨 Cyclosorus dentatus (Forssk.) Ching 蕨類 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Saurauia tristyla DC. 水冬瓜 Saurauia tristyla var. oldhamii Finet & Gagnep. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Heptapleurum heptaphyllum (L.) Y.F.Deng 鵝掌柴 Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Mikania micrantha Kunth 小花蔓澤蘭 Mikania micrantha Kunth 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet 番仔藤;槭葉牽牛 Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Litsea acutivena Hayata 銳脈木薑子 Litsea acutivena Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Helicia formosana Hemsl. 山龍眼 Helicia formosana Hemsl. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Lasianthus wallichii Wight 圓葉雞屎樹 Lasianthus wallichii Wight 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Meliosma rhoifolia Maxim. 山豬肉 Meliosma rhoifolia Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣番路鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
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