

查詢條件:找 行政區(含所有子行政區)=南投縣集集鎮 + 類群=被子植物, 共10,833筆重新查詢


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  • TBN無法將「類群=被子植物」條件轉成TBIA查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Costus 西閉鞘薑屬 Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm. 被子植物 2002-11-2 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. 破布子 Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. 被子植物 1997-5-9 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Macaranga tanarius (L.) Müll.Arg. 血桐 Macaranga tanarius (L.) Müll.Arg. 被子植物 1997-5-9 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Bambusa oldhamii Munro 綠竹 Bambusa oldhamii Munro 被子植物 1995-7-27 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Spermacoce articularis L.f. 鴨舌癀舅 Borreria articularis (L.f.) F.N.Williams 被子植物 1994-9-28 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Senna 決明屬 Senna ×floribunda (Cav.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby 被子植物 1994-9-28 南投縣集集鎮 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth 金絲草 Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Torenia 倒地蜈蚣屬 Torenia peduncularis Benth. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Vandellia 見風紅屬 Vandellia crustacea (L.) Benth. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth 金絲草 Pogonatherum crinitum (Thunb.) Kunth 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Commelina diffusa Burm.f. 竹仔菜 Commelina diffusa Burm.f. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Torenia 倒地蜈蚣屬 Torenia peduncularis Benth. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Costus 西閉鞘薑屬 Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Commelina diffusa Burm.f. 竹仔菜 Commelina diffusa Burm.f. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Costus 西閉鞘薑屬 Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm. 被子植物 1972-8-20 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Rom. & Schult. 彎形藺 Eleocharis caribaea (Rottb.) S.F.Blake 被子植物 1961-3-3 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Potamogeton crispus L. 馬藻 Potamogeton crispus L. 被子植物 1961-3-3 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cyperus difformis L. 異花莎草 Cyperus difformis L. 被子植物 1961-3-3 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Eleocharis geniculata (L.) Rom. & Schult. 彎形藺 Eleocharis caribaea (Rottb.) S.F.Blake 被子植物 1961-3-3 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Scirpus 莞屬 Scirpus juncoides Roxb. 被子植物 1961-3-3 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Polygonum 蓼屬 Polygonum L. 被子植物 1932-5-21 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Persicaria barbata var. barbata 毛蓼 Polygonum barbatum L. 被子植物 1932-5-21 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Litsea elongata var. mushaensis (Hayata) J.C.Liao 霧社木薑子 Litsea mushaensis Hayata 被子植物 1931-7-12 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Stictocardia 大萼旋花屬 Stictocardia campanulata (L.) House 被子植物 1916-5-11 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Paspalum 雀稗屬 Paspalum formosanum Honda 被子植物 1915-8-1 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Cirsium kawakamii Hayata 玉山薊 Cirsium kawakamii Hayata 被子植物 1909-7-2 南投縣集集鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims 黑眼花 Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. 香澤蘭 Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.King & H.Rob. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus lividus L. 凹葉野莧菜 Amaranthus lividus L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus viridis L. 野莧菜 Amaranthus viridis L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Mikania micrantha Kunth 小花蔓澤蘭 Mikania micrantha Kunth 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. 小返魂 Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 馬唐 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Polygonum 蓼屬 Polygonum perfoliatum (L.) L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Setaria 狗尾草屬 Setaria geniculata Sieber ex Kunth 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 馬唐 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Impatiens walleriana Hook.f. 非洲鳳仙花 Impatiens walleriana Hook.fil. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Oxalis corymbosa DC. 紫花酢漿草 Oxalis corymbosa DC. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ageratum conyzoides L. 藿香薊 Ageratum conyzoides L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea triloba L. 紅花野牽牛 Ipomoea triloba L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. 甘薯 Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. 闊葉鴨舌癀舅 Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet 番仔藤;槭葉牽牛 Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sherff 大花咸豐草 Bidens pilosa var. radiata Sch.Bip. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea triloba L. 紅花野牽牛 Ipomoea triloba L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Paspalum conjugatum Bergius 兩耳草 Paspalum conjugatum P.J.Bergius 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 紫花藿香薊 Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Drymaria 荷蓮豆草屬 Drymaria diandra Blume 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Euphorbia hirta L. 飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2013-6-26 南投縣集集鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
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