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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Hemimyzon formosanus 臺灣間爬岩鰍 Hemimyzon formosanum (Boulenger, 1894) 魚類 2002-12-1 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Life Science National Tsing Hua University
Hemimyzon taitungensis 臺東間爬岩鰍 Hemimyzon taitungensis Tzeng & Shen, 1982 魚類 2002-12-1 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Life Science National Tsing Hua University
Hemimyzon formosanus 臺灣間爬岩鰍 Hemimyzon formosanum (Boulenger, 1894) 魚類 1996-6-8 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Life Science National Tsing Hua University
Rhizoglyphus caladii Rhizoglyphus longispinosus Ho & Chen, 2001 其他無脊椎 2000-2-9 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
Laelaps clethrionomydis 赤楊厲蟎 Laelaps clethrionomydis Lange, 1955 其他無脊椎 1965-2-19 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
Laelaps traubi 特氏厲蟎 Laelaps traubi Domrow, 1962 其他無脊椎 1965-2-19 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Ohio State Acarology Laboratory (OSAL), Ohio State University
Lycopodium clavatum L. 石松 Lycopodium clavatum L. 石松類 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Rhus succedanea L. Rhus succedanea L. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Sinopanax 華參屬 Sinopanax formosanus (Hayata) H.L.Li 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Alnus formosana (Burkill) Makino 臺灣赤楊 Alnus formosana (Burkill) Makino 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Coriaria japonica subsp. intermedia (Matsum.) T.C.Huang & S.F.Huang 臺灣馬桑 Coriaria japonica subsp. intermedia (Matsum.) T.C.Huang 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Aucuba japonica Thunb. 東瀛珊瑚 Aucuba japonica Thunb. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Vaccinium dunalianum var. caudatifolium (Hayata) H.L.Li 珍珠花 Vaccinium dunalianum var. caudatifolium (Hayata) H.L.Li 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Quercus 櫟屬 Cyclobalanopsis longinux (Hayata) Schottky 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. 土肉桂 Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Tricyrtis formosana var. stolonifera (Matsum.) Masam. 山油點草 Tricyrtis formosana var. stolonifera (Matsum.) Masam. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ardisia crenata Sims 硃砂根 Ardisia crenata Sims 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Epilobium amurense Hausskn. 黑龍江柳葉菜 Epilobium amurense Hausskn. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Plantago asiatica L. 車前草 Plantago asiatica L. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 華八仙 Hydrangea chinensis Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Digitalis purpurea L. 毛地黃 Digitalis purpurea L. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. 腰只花 Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Symplocos morrisonicola Hayata 玉山灰木 Symplocos morrisonicola Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Hydrocotyle setulosa Hayata 阿里山天胡荽 Hydrocotyle setulosa Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Pellionia radicans (Siebold & Zucc.) Wedd. 赤車使者 Pellionia radicans (Siebold & Zucc.) Wedd. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Callicarpa formosana Rolfe Callicarpa formosana Rolfe 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Dryopteris peranema Li Bing Zhang 柄囊蕨 Peranema cyatheoides D.Don 蕨類 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Plagiogyria 瘤足蕨屬 Plagiogyria formosana Nakai 蕨類 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Huperzia quasipolytrichoides (Hayata) Ching 反捲葉石杉 Lycopodium quasipolytrichoides Hayata 石松類 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Dendropanax dentiger (Harms ex Diels) Merr. 臺灣樹參 Dendropanax dentiger (Harms) Merr. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Sinopanax 華參屬 Sinopanax formosanus (Hayata) H.L.Li 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Viburnum sympodiale Graebn. 假繡球 Viburnum sympodiale Graebn. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Microtropis fokienensis Dunn 福建賽衛矛 Microtropis fokienensis Dunn 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cirsium kawakamii Hayata 玉山薊 Cirsium kawakamii Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Gnaphalium adnatum Wall. ex DC. 紅面番 Gnaphalium adnatum Wall. ex DC. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Scleria terrestris (L.) Fassett 陸生珍珠茅 Scleria terrestris (L.) Fassett 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Castanopsis cuspidata (Thunb.) Schottky Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii (Hemsl.) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Quercus 櫟屬 Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudô & Masam. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Lithocarpus lepidocarpus (Hayata) Hayata 鬼石櫟 Lithocarpus lepidocarpus (Hayata) Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Gentiana flavomaculata Hayata 黃斑龍膽 Gentiana flavomaculata Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Swertia macrosperma (C.B.Clarke) C.B.Clarke 大籽當藥 Swertia macrosperma (C.B.Clarke) C.B.Clarke 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Luzula taiwaniana Satake 臺灣地楊梅 Luzula taiwaniana Satake 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Beilschmiedia erythrophloia Hayata 瓊楠 Beilschmiedia erythrophloia Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Cinnamomum insularimontanum Hayata 臺灣肉桂 Cinnamomum insulari-montanum Hayata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Litsea acuminata (Blume) Sa.Kurata 長葉木薑子 Litsea acuminata (Blume) Kurata 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Machilus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 假長葉楠 Machilus japonica Siebold & Zucc. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ranunculus japonicus Thunb. 毛茛 Ranunculus japonicus Thunb. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Prunus campanulata Maxim. 山櫻花 Prunus campanulata Maxim. 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Ophiorrhiza japonica Blume 蛇根草 Ophiorrhiza japonica Blume 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Deutzia pulchra S.Vidal 大葉溲疏 Deutzia pulchra S.Vidal 被子植物 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
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