

查詢條件:找 行政區(含所有子行政區)=新北市新店區 + 類群=其他昆蟲 + 資料集=Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2), 共29筆重新查詢


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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Gerridae 黽蝽科 Gerridae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Rhyacophilidae 流石蛾科 Rhyacophilidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Leptophlebiidae 褐蜉科 Leptophlebiidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Tabanidae 虻科 Tabanidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Corixidae 划蝽科 Corixidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Ceratopogonidae 蠓科 Ceratopogonidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Baetidae 四節蜉科 Baetidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Caenidae 細蜉科 Caenidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Chironomidae 搖蚊科 Chironomidae 其他昆蟲 2023-7 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Chironomidae 搖蚊科 Chironomidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Heptageniidae 扁蜉科 Heptageniidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Ephemerellidae 小蜉科 Ephemerellidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Potamanthidae 花鰓蜉蝣科 Potamanthidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Veliidae 寬肩蝽科 Veliidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Rhyacophilidae 流石蛾科 Rhyacophilidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Ceratopogonidae 蠓科 Ceratopogonidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Caenidae 細蜉科 Caenidae 其他昆蟲 2023-4 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Gerridae 黽蝽科 Gerridae 其他昆蟲 2023-2 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Baetidae 四節蜉科 Baetidae 其他昆蟲 2023-2 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Veliidae 寬肩蝽科 Veliidae 其他昆蟲 2023-2 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Limoniidae 亮大蚊科 Limoniidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Leptophlebiidae 褐蜉科 Leptophlebiidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Veliidae 寬肩蝽科 Veliidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Potamanthidae 花鰓蜉蝣科 Potamanthidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Chironomidae 搖蚊科 Chironomidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Baetidae 四節蜉科 Baetidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Gerridae 黽蝽科 Gerridae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Ephemerellidae 小蜉科 Ephemerellidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)
Heptageniidae 扁蜉科 Heptageniidae 其他昆蟲 2023-9 新北市新店區 Investigation and Monitoring for Ecology at the Taipei Water Special District,(2023-2024)(1/2)