Ilex rotunda Thunb. 鐵冬青 |
Ilex rotunda Thunb. |
被子植物 |
2000-2-19 |
屏東縣恆春鎮 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Angiopteris evecta (G.Forst.) Hoffm. 蘭嶼觀音座蓮 |
Angiopteris evecta (G.Forst.) Hoffm. |
蕨類 |
2002-9-13 |
台東縣蘭嶼鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Lindsaea lucida Blume 方柄陵齒蕨 |
Lindsaea lucida Blume |
蕨類 |
2002-9-14 |
台東縣蘭嶼鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. 尖瓣花 |
Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. |
被子植物 |
1998-9-3 |
屏東縣恆春鎮 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Scolopia oldhamii Hance 魯花樹 |
Scolopia oldhamii Hance |
被子植物 |
1998-4-13 |
屏東縣恆春鎮 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. 華他卡藤 |
Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. |
被子植物 |
1998-4-12 |
屏東縣車城鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Ilex rotunda Thunb. 鐵冬青 |
Ilex rotunda Thunb. |
被子植物 |
1996-1-31 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) Benth. 白木蘇花 |
Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) Benth. |
被子植物 |
2005-6-25 |
台東縣蘭嶼鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Claoxylon brachyandrum Pax & Hoffm. 假鐵莧 |
Claoxylon brachyandrum Pax et K.Hoffm. |
被子植物 |
2005-6-25 |
台東縣 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Glochidion 饅頭果屬 |
Glochidion triandrum (Blanco) C.B.Rob. |
被子植物 |
1998-9-5 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Cynanchum formosanum (Maxim.) Hemsl. ex Forbes & Hemsl. 臺灣牛皮消 |
Cynanchum formosanum (Maxim.) Hemsl. |
被子植物 |
1997-7-16 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 |
Glochidion rubrum Blume |
被子植物 |
1999-3-26 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Helicia rengetiensis Masam. 蓮花池山龍眼 |
Helicia rengetiensis Masam. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Elatostema lineolatum Wight |
Elatostema lineolatum Wight var. majus Wedd. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Pogostemon formosanus Oliv. 臺灣刺蕊草 |
Pogostemon formosanus Oliv. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Neoalsomitra 穿山龍屬 |
Neoalsomitra clavigera (Wall.) Hutch. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 狗骨仔 |
Diplospora dubia (Lindl.) Masam. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Croton cascarilloides Raeusch. 裏白巴豆 |
Croton cascarilloides Raeusch. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Maytenus diversifolia (Maxim.) D.Hou 北仲 |
Gymnosporia diversifolia Maxim. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-6 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Ilex rotunda Thunb. 鐵冬青 |
Ilex rotunda Thunb. |
被子植物 |
1998-4-12 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Meliosma rigida Siebold & Zucc. 筆羅子 |
Meliosma rigida Siebold et Zucc. |
被子植物 |
1998-4-12 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Triumfetta 垂桉草屬 |
Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. |
被子植物 |
1999-11-26 |
屏東縣獅子鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Scolopia oldhamii Hance 魯花樹 |
Scolopia oldhamii Hance |
被子植物 |
1996-1-31 |
屏東縣牡丹鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Turpinia ternata Nakai 三葉山香圓 |
Turpinia ternata Nakai |
被子植物 |
1999-3-26 |
台東縣達仁鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Cleome rutidosperma DC. 平伏莖白花菜 |
Cleome rutidosperma DC. |
被子植物 |
2001-5-20 |
屏東縣佳冬鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Taxillus 鈍果桑寄生屬 |
Taxillus nigrans (Hance) Danser |
被子植物 |
1999-9-29 |
台東縣金峰鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Sloanea 猴歡喜屬 |
Sloanea dasycarpa (Benth.) Hemsl. |
被子植物 |
1999-9-29 |
台東縣金峰鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Symplocos formosana Brand 臺灣灰木 |
Symplocos formosana Brand |
被子植物 |
2005-1-17 |
屏東縣瑪家鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Aeschynanthus acuminatus Wall. ex A.DC. 長果藤 |
Aeschynanthus acuminatus Wall. ex DC. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-17 |
屏東縣瑪家鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Rubus croceacanthus H.Lév. |
Rubus croceacanthus H.Lév. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-17 |
屏東縣瑪家鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob. 香澤蘭 |
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King et H.Rob. |
被子植物 |
2005-1-17 |
屏東縣瑪家鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. 密花苧麻 |
Boehmeria densiflora Hook. et Arn. var. densiflora |
被子植物 |
2005-1-17 |
屏東縣瑪家鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Kitagawia formosana (Hayata) Pimenov |
2002-11-5 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Eupatorium 澤蘭屬 |
Eupatorium tozanense Hayata |
被子植物 |
2002-11-5 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Dianthus superbus L. |
Dianthus superbus L. var. longicalycinus (Maxim.) F.N.Williams |
被子植物 |
2002-11-5 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter 雙花龍葵 |
Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter |
被子植物 |
2002-11-5 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. 白飯樹 |
Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. |
被子植物 |
2002-11-2 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Eupatorium 澤蘭屬 |
Eupatorium tozanense Hayata |
被子植物 |
2002-11-2 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Aerva sanguinolenta Blume 絹毛莧 |
Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume |
被子植物 |
2002-11-2 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Eriobotrya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai 山枇杷 |
Eriobotrya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai |
被子植物 |
2002-11-3 |
屏東縣霧臺鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Pterocypsela 刺果菊屬 |
Pterocypsela x mansuensis (Hayata) C.I.Peng |
被子植物 |
2003-11-21 |
台東縣延平鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Stachytarpheta 假馬鞭屬 |
Stachytarpheta urticifolia Sims |
被子植物 |
2003-11-21 |
台東縣延平鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke 賽葵 |
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke |
被子植物 |
2003-11-21 |
台東縣延平鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Euphorbia cyathophora Murray 猩猩草 |
Euphorbia cyathophora Murray |
被子植物 |
2003-11-21 |
台東縣延平鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Tribulus terrestris L. 蒺藜 |
Tribulus terrestris L. |
被子植物 |
2003-9-14 |
高雄市路竹區 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi 狗骨仔 |
Diplospora dubia (Lindl.) Masam. |
被子植物 |
2000-6-30 |
高雄市茂林區 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Taxillus 鈍果桑寄生屬 |
Taxillus nigrans (Hance) Danser |
被子植物 |
1999-9-30 |
台東縣延平鄉 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. 海茄冬 |
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. |
被子植物 |
2003-5-31 |
台南市南區 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. 破布子 |
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst. |
被子植物 |
2003-5-31 |
台南市南區 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |
Trianthema portulacastrum L. 假海馬齒 |
Trianthema portulacastrum L. |
被子植物 |
2003-5-31 |
台南市南區 |
Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS) |