

查詢條件:找 資料集=Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS), 共387筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Haplopteris flexuosa (Fée) E.H.Crane 書帶蕨 Haplopteris flexuosa (Fée) E.H.Crane 蕨類 2003-12-10 南投縣鹿谷鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Rotala rotundifolia (Wall. ex Roxb.) Koehne 水豬母乳 Rotala rotundifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Koehne 被子植物 1998-5-7 南投縣水里鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Vandellia anagallis (Burm.f.) T.Yamaz. 心葉見風紅 Vandellia anagallis (Burm.f.) T.Yamaz. 被子植物 1998-5-7 南投縣水里鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi 風藤 Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi 被子植物 1998-5-6 南投縣水里鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter 雙花龍葵 Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter 被子植物 1998-5-6 南投縣水里鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Urceola rosea (Hook. & Arn.) D.J.Middleton 酸藤 Urceola rosea (Hook. et Arn.) D.J.Middleton 被子植物 1998-5-4 南投縣水里鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Trichosanthes 括樓屬 Trichosanthes costata Blume 被子植物 2001-10-22 南投縣集集鎮 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. 華南苧麻 Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. var. suffruticosa Acharya, Friis et Wilmot-Dear 被子植物 1998-5-7 南投縣魚池鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Neoalsomitra 穿山龍屬 Neoalsomitra clavigera (Wall.) Hutch. 被子植物 1998-5-7 南投縣魚池鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Bridelia tomentosa Blume 土密樹 Bridelia tomentosa Blume 被子植物 2002-12-9 南投縣國姓鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Pyrenaria 核果茶屬 Pyrenaria microcarpa (Dunn) H.Keng var. shinkoensis (Hayata) T.L.Ming et S.X.Yang 被子植物 2003-11-5 南投縣魚池鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Euphorbia hirta L. 被子植物 2004-2-27 彰化縣芳苑鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Cayratia tenuifolia (Wight & Arn.) Gagnep. 細葉烏蘞莓 Cayratia tenuifolia (Wight & Arn.) Gagnep. 被子植物 2004-2-27 彰化縣芳苑鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Euphorbia hyssopifolia L. 紫斑大戟 Euphorbia hyssopifolia L. 被子植物 2004-2-27 彰化縣芳苑鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Atriplex maximowicziana Makino 馬氏濱藜 Atriplex maximowicziana Makino 被子植物 2004-2-27 彰化縣芳苑鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 桶鉤藤 Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 被子植物 2002-12-9 南投縣國姓鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Alnus 赤楊屬 Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. var. formosana (Burkill) Callier 被子植物 2002-12-9 南投縣國姓鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Trema cannabina Lour. 銳葉山黃麻 Trema cannabina Lour. 被子植物 1998-6-22 南投縣埔里鎮 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Thyrocarpus sampsonii Hance 盾果草 Thyrocarpus sampsonii Hance 被子植物 2002-2-26 南投縣草屯鎮 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Lindera communis Hemsl. 香葉樹 Lindera communis Hemsl. 被子植物 1998-7-16 南投縣埔里鎮 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Quercus glauca Thunb. 青剛櫟 Quercus glauca Thunb. 被子植物 1998-11-25 南投縣仁愛鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Corydalis 紫堇屬 Corydalis heterocarpa Siebold et Zucc. var. brachystyla (Koidz.) Ohwi 被子植物 1997-3-25 南投縣仁愛鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Solanum mauritianum Scop. 野煙樹 Solanum mauritianum Scop. 被子植物 2003-8-22 南投縣仁愛鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Ipomoea hederifolia L. 心葉蔦蘿 Ipomoea hederifolia L. 被子植物 2001-10-5 南投縣仁愛鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)
Ardisia quinquegona Blume 小葉樹杞 Ardisia quinquegona Blume 被子植物 2001-5-15 南投縣國姓鄉 Vascular plant specimens of the herbarium of the Tohoku University (TUS)