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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Micromys minutus 巢鼠 Micromys minutus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Petaurista alborufus 白面鼯鼠 Petaurista alborufus 哺乳類 1978 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mogera insularis 臺灣鼴鼠 Mogera insularis 哺乳類 2002-8-4 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mogera kanoana 鹿野氏鼴鼠 Mogera kanoana 哺乳類 2003-3-13 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Capricornis swinhoei 臺灣野山羊 Capricornis swinhoei 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 1958-3-8 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Hipposideros armiger 臺灣葉鼻蝠 Hipposideros armiger 哺乳類 1971-3-10 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Macaca cyclopis 臺灣獼猴 Macaca cyclopis 哺乳類 1934-12-10 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Hipposideros armiger 臺灣葉鼻蝠 Hipposideros armiger 哺乳類 1971-3-10 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Manis pentadactyla 穿山甲 Manis pentadactyla 哺乳類 1886 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Miniopterus 長翼蝠屬 Miniopterus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mogera kanoana 鹿野氏鼴鼠 Mogera kanoana 哺乳類 2003-3-12 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Eothenomys melanogaster 黑腹絨鼠 Eothenomys melanogaster 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Capricornis swinhoei 臺灣野山羊 Capricornis swinhoei 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Lutra lutra 歐亞水獺 Lutra lutra 哺乳類 1924-11 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Hipposideros armiger 臺灣葉鼻蝠 Hipposideros armiger 哺乳類 1970-11-30 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Callosciurus erythraeus 赤腹松鼠 Callosciurus erythraeus 哺乳類 1964-9 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rhinolophus 蹄鼻蝠屬 Rhinolophus sp. 哺乳類 1974-12-12 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 1951-11 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus agrarius 赤背條鼠 Apodemus agrarius 哺乳類 1985-12-8 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus agrarius 赤背條鼠 Apodemus agrarius 哺乳類 1908-6 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Episoriculus fumidus 臺灣長尾鼩 Episoriculus fumidus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Dremomys 長吻松鼠屬 Dremomys owstoni 哺乳類 1906-11-13 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Muridae 鼠科 Muridae sp. 哺乳類 1965-10-3 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Miniopterus 長翼蝠屬 Miniopterus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus norvegicus 溝鼠 Rattus norvegicus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Eothenomys melanogaster 黑腹絨鼠 Eothenomys melanogaster 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Macaca cyclopis 臺灣獼猴 Macaca cyclopis 哺乳類 1925-12 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Hipposideros armiger 臺灣葉鼻蝠 Hipposideros armiger 哺乳類 1971-3-10 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Harpiocephalus harpia 毛翼管鼻蝠 Harpiocephalus harpia 哺乳類 1935-3 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Miniopterus 長翼蝠屬 Miniopterus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Manis pentadactyla 穿山甲 Manis pentadactyla 哺乳類 1971-8-25 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Pipistrellus 家蝠屬 Pipistrellus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Niviventer coninga 臺灣刺鼠 Niviventer coxingi 哺乳類 1965-8-10 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Suncus murinus 臭鼩 Suncus murinus 哺乳類 1932-3-12 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Miniopterus fuliginosus 東亞摺翅蝠 Miniopterus fuliginosus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Miniopterus 長翼蝠屬 Miniopterus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Crocidura 麝鼩屬 Crocidura sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus 小鼠屬 Mus formosanus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus 家鼠屬 Rattus niviventer 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rhinolophus 蹄鼻蝠屬 Rhinolophus sp. 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Capricornis swinhoei 臺灣野山羊 Capricornis swinhoei 哺乳類 1956-5-17 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mogera insularis 臺灣鼴鼠 Mogera insularis 哺乳類 2001-11-6 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mogera insularis 臺灣鼴鼠 Mogera insularis 哺乳類 2001-11-7 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Suncus murinus 臭鼩 Suncus murinus 哺乳類 1951-11 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Cervus nippon 梅花鹿 Cervus nippon 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus 家鼠屬 Rattus coxinga 哺乳類 1911-2-27 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Muntiacus reevesi 山羌 Muntiacus reevesi 哺乳類 1899-7-31 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Plecotus taivanus 臺灣長耳蝠 Plecotus taivanus 哺乳類 1991-5-28 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
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