Vexillum curviliratum 黑蛹筆螺 |
Vexillum curviliratum (Sowerby, 1844) |
蝸牛與貝類 |
1967 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Animalia 動物界 |
Latiaxis mawae (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834) |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Globovula sphaera |
Globovula sphaera (Cate, 1973) |
蝸牛與貝類 |
1968 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Animalia 動物界 |
Afer cumingii (Reeve, 1848) |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Animalia 動物界 |
Distorsio reticulata Röding, 1798 |
1967 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Conus orbignyi 歐氏芋螺 |
Conus orbignyi Andouin, 1831 |
蝸牛與貝類 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Duplicaria raphanula 紅磚筍螺 |
Duplicaria raphanula Lamarck, 1822 |
蝸牛與貝類 |
1966 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Phalium decussatum 布紋鬘螺 |
Phalium decussatum (Linnaeus, 1758) |
蝸牛與貝類 |
1967 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Animalia 動物界 |
Purpuradusta gracilis gracilis (Gaskoin, 1848) |
1957 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Vexillum curviliratum 黑蛹筆螺 |
Vexillum curviliratum (Sowerby, 1844) |
蝸牛與貝類 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Phalium bisulcatum; Semicassis bisulcata 日本鬘螺; 斑帶鬘螺 |
Phalium (Semicassis) bisulcatum japonicum Reeve, 1864 |
蝸牛與貝類 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Murex aduncospinosus 華南骨螺 |
Murex aduncospinosus Beck in Sowerby, 1841 |
蝸牛與貝類 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Margovula 緣梭螺屬 |
Margovula marginata (Sowerby I, 1828) |
蝸牛與貝類 |
1968 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Conus sieboldii 西寶芋螺 |
Conus sieboldii Reeve, 1848 |
蝸牛與貝類 |
台南市安南區 |
Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |