Aedes 斑蚊屬 |
Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) |
其他昆蟲 |
2013 |
台北市大同區 |
Global compendium of Aedes albopictus occurrence |
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 |
Trilocha varians Walker, 1855 |
蛾類 |
1991-2-27 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 |
Trilocha varians Walker, 1855 |
蛾類 |
1991-11-18 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 |
Trilocha varians Walker, 1855 |
蛾類 |
1983-11-20 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Trilocha varians 三角斑褐蠶蛾 |
Trilocha varians Walker, 1855 |
蛾類 |
1983-11-20 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Pieris canidia 緣點白粉蝶 |
Pieris canidia canidia |
蝶類 |
1981-1-6 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Pieris canidia 緣點白粉蝶 |
Pieris canidia canidia |
蝶類 |
1981-1-6 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Pieris canidia 緣點白粉蝶 |
Pieris canidia canidia |
蝶類 |
1981-1-6 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Idea leuconoe clara 大白斑蝶(clara亞種) |
Idea leuconoe clara Butler, 1867 |
蝶類 |
1956-3-27 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Idea leuconoe clara 大白斑蝶(clara亞種) |
Idea leuconoe clara Butler, 1867 |
蝶類 |
1956-3-27 |
台北市大同區 |
Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI |
Arachniodes aristata (G.Forst.) Tindale 細葉複葉耳蕨 |
Arachniodes aristata (G.Forst.) Tindale |
蕨類 |
1997-4-20 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hemigramma decurrens (Hook.) Copel. |
1997-4-20 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Tectaria subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel. 三叉蕨 |
Tectaria subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel. |
蕨類 |
1997-5-11 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Tectaria subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel. 三叉蕨 |
Tectaria subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel. |
蕨類 |
1994-10-8 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hemigramma decurrens (Hook.) Copel. |
1993-11-27 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Glochidion 饅頭果屬 |
Glochidion lanceolatum Hayata |
被子植物 |
1992-10-17 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata 凹葉越橘 |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata 凹葉越橘 |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Camphora officinarum Boerh. ex Fabr. 樟樹 |
Cinnamomum camphora var. hosyo (Hatus.) J.C.Liao |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 |
Glochidion rubrum Blume |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 |
Alternanthera sessilis R.Br. |
被子植物 |
1984-6-22 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Hér. ex Vent. 構樹 |
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata 凹葉越橘 |
Vaccinium emarginatum Hayata |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Solanum diphyllum L. 瑪瑙珠 |
Solanum capsicastrum Link ex Schauer |
被子植物 |
1984-6-21 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Cyperus imbricatus Retz. |
Cyperus imbricatus Retz. |
被子植物 |
1977-10-9 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Cyperus distans L.f. 疏穗莎草 |
Cyperus distans L.f. |
被子植物 |
1977-10-9 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Mallotus repandus (Willd.) Müll.Arg. 扛香藤 |
Mallotus repandus (Rottler) Müll.Arg. |
被子植物 |
1961-5-18 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ficus formosana Maxim. 天仙果 |
Ficus formosana Maxim. |
被子植物 |
1961-5-18 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Hemigramma decurrens (Hook.) Copel. |
1961-5-18 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Urceola rosea (Hook. & Arn.) D.J.Middleton 酸藤 |
Ecdysanthera rosea Hook. & Arn. |
被子植物 |
1961-5-18 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Sagittaria trifolia L.; Sagittaria sagittifolia L. 三腳剪; 慈菇 |
Sagittaria sagittifolia L. |
被子植物 |
1961-9-19 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Panicum paludosum Roxb. 水生黍 |
Panicum paludosum Roxb. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. 蓮子草 |
Alternanthera sessilis R.Br. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Leersia hexandra Sw. 李氏禾 |
Leersia hexandra Sw. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龍芮 |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Panicum paludosum Roxb. 水生黍 |
Panicum paludosum Roxb. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Sagittaria trifolia L.; Sagittaria sagittifolia L. 三腳剪; 慈菇 |
Sagittaria sagittifolia L. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Endl. ex Hassk. 短葉水蜈蚣 |
Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Leersia hexandra Sw. 李氏禾 |
Leersia hexandra Sw. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees 千金子 |
Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龍芮 |
Ranunculus sceleratus L. |
被子植物 |
1960-11-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Symplocos 灰木屬 |
Symplocos paniculata Wall. |
被子植物 |
1957-4-9 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Lindera 釣樟屬 |
Lindera (Adans.) Thunb. |
被子植物 |
1957-4-9 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Aidia cochinchinensis Lour. 茜樹 |
Randia cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. |
被子植物 |
1957-4-10 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Trema orientale (L.) Blume 山黃麻 |
Trema orientalis (L.) Blume |
被子植物 |
1957-4-17 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Randia 茜草樹屬 |
Randia densiflora (Wall.) Benth. |
被子植物 |
1957-5-1 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Ardisia quinquegona Blume 小葉樹杞 |
Ardisia quinquegona Blume |
被子植物 |
1955-6-16 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Crotalaria 野百合屬 |
Crotalaria saltiana Andrews |
被子植物 |
1949-4-4 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Coix 薏苡屬 |
Coix L. |
被子植物 |
1942-5-23 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |
Amaranthaceae 莧科 |
Amaranthaceae |
被子植物 |
1940-8-12 |
台北市大同區 |
The digitization of plant specimens of NTU |