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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗山區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1952-9-20 高雄市杉林區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Guildfordia triumphans 星螺 Guildfordia triumphans Philippi, 1841 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Conus ebraeus 斑芋螺 Conus ebraeus Linnaeus, 1758 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Glossaulax didyma Röding, 1798 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Conus australis 長芋螺 Conus australis Holten, 1802 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Staphylaea staphylaea (Jousseaume, 1884) 1967 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Ficus ficus 小枇杷螺 Ficus ficus Linnaeus, 1758 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Conus Conus mucronatus Reeve, 1843 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Bistolida ursellus (Gmelin, 1791) 1967 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Bistolida hirundo Linnaeus, 1758 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Thala roseata Thala roseata (A. Adams, 1855) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Gafrarium tumidum 厚殼縱簾蛤 Gafrarium tumidum Röding, 1798 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Contrasimnia formosana (Azuma, 1972) 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Placuna placenta 雲母蛤 Placuna placenta (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Tegillarca nodifera 結毛蚶 Tegillarca nodifera (Martens, 1860) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Heliacus variegatus 繩紋車輪螺 Heliacus variegatus (Gmelin, 1791) 蝸牛與貝類 1967 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Satsuma insignis 奇異高腰蝸 Satsuma insignis (Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906) 蝸牛與貝類 2004-1-5 高雄市六龜區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Pterynotus alatus 芭蕉螺 Pterynotus alatus (Röding, 1798) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1969 高雄市六龜區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Pustularia globulus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1967 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1968-5-20 高雄市六龜區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Thala exilis Thala exilis (Reeve, 1845) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1969-9 高雄市六龜區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Coralliophila solutistoma Kuroda & Shikama, 1966 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Cancilla isabella 白筆螺 Cancilla isabella (Swainson, 1831) 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Satsuma hagiomontis 大武高腰蝸牛 Satsuma hagiomontis Wu, Hwang & Lin, 2008 蝸牛與貝類 2006-5-24 高雄市桃源區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Ranularia Ranularia caudata (Gmelin, 1791) 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Palmadusta asellus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1967 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Epitonium 海螄螺屬 Epitonium sp. 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Pterygia 芋筆螺屬 Pterygia sinensis (Reeve, 1844) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Haliotis diversicolor 九孔螺 Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Saccostrea cucullata 僧帽牡蠣 Saccostrea cuccullata (Born, 1778) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Tegillarca granosa 血蚶 Tegillarca granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Placamen 蛋糕簾蛤屬 Placamen sp. 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Cryptospira tricincta (Hinds, 1844) 高雄市旗津區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Fulgoraria rupestris 閃電渦螺 Fulgoraria rupestris (Gmelin, 1791) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市新興區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Tutufa oyamai 大山蛙螺 Tutufa oyamai Habe, 1973 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Bufonaria rana 赤蛙螺 Bufonaria rana (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Conus Conus mucronatus Reeve, 1843 蝸牛與貝類 高雄市 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Architectonica trochlearis 車輪螺 Architectonica trochlearis (Hinds, 1844) 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市路竹區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Architectonica maxima 巨車輪螺 Architectonica maxima (Philippi, 1849) 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市路竹區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Architectonica taylori Architectonica taylori (Hanley, 1862) 蝸牛與貝類 1967-6 高雄市路竹區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Satsuma albida 白高腰蝸牛 Satsuma albida Adams, 1870 蝸牛與貝類 2003-5-4 高雄市六龜區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1969 高雄市美濃區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1965 高雄市旗山區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Oncomelania hupensis; Oncomelania hupensis formosana 邱氏釘螺; 臺灣釘螺 Oncomelania hupensis formosana Pilsbry & Hirase, 1906 蝸牛與貝類 1962 高雄市旗山區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Animalia 動物界 Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833) 1990-7 高雄市鳥松區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Sinotaia quadrata 石田螺 Sinotaia quadrata (Benson, 1842) 蝸牛與貝類 1990-7-23 高雄市鳥松區 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia