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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Anax panybeus 麻斑晏蜓 Anax panybeus Hagen, 1867 蜻蛉類 2002-7-26 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orthetrum pruinosum 霜白蜻蜓 Orthetrum pruinosum Burmeister, 1839 蜻蛉類 2000-3-30 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orthetrum pruinosum 霜白蜻蜓 Orthetrum pruinosum Burmeister, 1839 蜻蛉類 2000-3-30 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Rhyothemis triangularis 三角蜻蜓 Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby, 1889 蜻蛉類 2000-8-9 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Anotogaster klossi 無霸勾蜓 Anotogaster sieboldii Selys, 1854 蜻蛉類 1999-8-29 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Copera ciliata 環紋琵蟌 Copera ciliata Selys, 1863 蜻蛉類 1998-4-1 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Rhyothemis triangularis 三角蜻蜓 Rhyothemis triangularis Kirby, 1889 蜻蛉類 1998-7-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Nannophyopsis clara 漆黑蜻蜓 Nannophyopsis clara Needham, 1930 蜻蛉類 1998-7-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Heliocypha perforata 棋紋鼓蟌 Heliocypha perforata Percheron, 1835 蜻蛉類 1997-5-4 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Onychothemis testacea 琥珀蜻蜓 Onychothemis testacea Laidlaw, 1902 蜻蛉類 1997-5-4 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Ceriagrion fallax 昧影細蟌 Ceriagrion fallax Ris, 1914 蜻蛉類 1997-6-22 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Ischnura senegalensis 青紋細蟌 Ischnura senegalensis Rambur, 1842 蜻蛉類 1997-6-22 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orthetrum melania continentale 灰黑蜻蜓 Orthetrum melania Selys, 1883 蜻蛉類 1997-6-22 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Ischnura senegalensis 青紋細蟌 Ischnura senegalensis Rambur, 1842 蜻蛉類 1997-6-22 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Epallagidae 1997-6-27 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Epallagidae 1997-6-27 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Lyriothemis elegantissima 廣腹蜻蜓 Lyriothemis elegantissima Selys, 1883 蜻蛉類 1997-6-22 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Onychothemis testacea 琥珀蜻蜓 Onychothemis testacea Laidlaw, 1902 蜻蛉類 1997-8-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Brachydiplax chalybea 橙斑蜻蜓 Brachydiplax chalybea Brauer, 1868 蜻蛉類 1997-8-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Lyriothemis elegantissima 廣腹蜻蜓 Lyriothemis elegantissima Selys, 1883 蜻蛉類 1997-8-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Matrona cyanoptera 白痣珈蟌 Matrona cyanoptera Hämäläinen & Yeh, 2000 蜻蛉類 1997-8-24 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Pseudothemis zonata 黃紉蜻蜓 Pseudothemis zonata Burmeister, 1839 蜻蛉類 1996-8-16 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Lyriothemis elegantissima 廣腹蜻蜓 Lyriothemis elegantissima Selys, 1883 蜻蛉類 1996-8-20 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Nannophyopsis clara 漆黑蜻蜓 Nannophyopsis clara Needham, 1930 蜻蛉類 1995-4-30 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orthetrum triangulare triangulare 鼎脈蜻蜓 Orthetrum triangulare Selys, 1878 蜻蛉類 1995-4-29 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Epophthalmia elegans 慧眼弓蜓 Epophthalmia elegans Brauer, 1865 蜻蛉類 1995-4-30 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Nannophyopsis clara 漆黑蜻蜓 Nannophyopsis clara Needham, 1930 蜻蛉類 1995-5-31 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Nannophya pygmaea 小紅蜻蜓 Nannophya pygmaea Rambur, 1842 蜻蛉類 1995-6-5 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Heliocypha perforata 棋紋鼓蟌 Heliocypha perforata Percheron, 1835 蜻蛉類 1995-6-27 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Nannophyopsis clara 漆黑蜻蜓 Nannophyopsis clara Needham, 1930 蜻蛉類 1995-6-3 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Leptogomphus sauteri 紹德春蜓 Leptogomphus sauteri Ris, 1912 蜻蛉類 1995-7-15 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Leptogomphus sauteri 紹德春蜓 Leptogomphus sauteri Ris, 1912 蜻蛉類 1995-7-15 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Leptogomphus sauteri 紹德春蜓 Leptogomphus sauteri Ris, 1912 蜻蛉類 1995-7-15 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Leptogomphus sauteri 紹德春蜓 Leptogomphus sauteri Ris, 1912 蜻蛉類 1995-7-15 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Vespa ducalis 姬虎頭蜂 Vespa ducalis Smith, 1852 其他昆蟲 1993-6-29 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Cernyia usuguronis 黃邊土苔蛾 Eilema usuguronis (Matsumura, 1927) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Cernyia usuguronis 黃邊土苔蛾 Eilema usuguronis (Matsumura, 1927) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Eilema ranrunensis 乳白土苔蛾 Eilema ranrunensis (Matsumura, 1927) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Conilepia nigricosta paiwan 藍緣苔蛾 Conilepia nigricosta paiwan Kishida, 1991 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Katha magnata magnata 巨土苔蛾 Eilema magnata (Matsumura, 1927) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Cernyia usuguronis 黃邊土苔蛾 Eilema usuguronis (Matsumura, 1927) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Conilepia nigricosta paiwan 藍緣苔蛾 Conilepia nigricosta paiwan Kishida, 1991 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Hesudra divisa 雙分苔蛾 Agylla divisa Moore, 1878 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Conilepia nigricosta paiwan 藍緣苔蛾 Conilepia nigricosta paiwan Kishida, 1991 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Cyana quadripartita Cyana quadripartita (Wileman, 1910) 蛾類 宜蘭縣員山鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
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