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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Animalia 動物界 Babelomurex finchii 1970-11 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Vokesimurex rectirostris 1966 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Spondylus regius 猩猩海菊蛤 Spondylus regius 蝸牛與貝類 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Terebra triseriata 鑽筍螺 Terebra triseriata 蝸牛與貝類 1965-2 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Pterynotus alatus 芭蕉螺 Pterynotus alatus 蝸牛與貝類 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Punctoterebra turrita 1972 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Harpa major 大楊桃螺 Harpa major 蝸牛與貝類 1973-12 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Hastula 花筍螺屬 Hastula raphanula 蝸牛與貝類 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Cancilla isabella 白筆螺 Cancilla isabella 蝸牛與貝類 1968-8 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Siratus pliciferoides 岩棘千手螺 Siratus pliciferoides 蝸牛與貝類 1968 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Siratus pliciferoides 岩棘千手螺 Siratus pliciferoides 蝸牛與貝類 1968 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Domiporta 多普筆螺屬 Domiporta granatina 蝸牛與貝類 1972 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus recluzianus 橘紅芋螺 Conus recluzianus 蝸牛與貝類 1969 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus pseudorbignyi 假歐氏芋螺 Conus pseudorbignyi 蝸牛與貝類 1971 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Contradusta walkeri 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Oliva 榧螺屬 Oliva irisans 蝸牛與貝類 1958 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus Conus nanus 蝸牛與貝類 1965-7 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Magilus antiquus 1972-11 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Imbricaria 小筆螺屬 Imbricaria yagurai 蝸牛與貝類 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Amalda mamillata 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus rattus 鼠芋螺 Conus rattus 蝸牛與貝類 1965-6 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Magilus antiquus 1973-1 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus sponsalis 白花環芋螺 Conus sponsalis 蝸牛與貝類 1965-7 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Bursa bufonia 蟾蜍蛙螺 Bursa bufonia 蝸牛與貝類 1965-7 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Morum cancellatum 方格皺螺 Morum cancellatum 蝸牛與貝類 1979-11 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Vokesimurex sobrinus 1975 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus hirasei 平瀨芋螺 Conus hirasei 蝸牛與貝類 1971-12 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Raybaudia porteri 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus sugimotonis 杉本芋螺 Conus sugimotonis 蝸牛與貝類 1971 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Conus Conus profundorum 蝸牛與貝類 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Marginellona gigas 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Ficadusta pulchella 1971-5 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Animalia 動物界 Ficadusta pulchella 1971-5 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Chicoreus axicornis 小千手螺 Chicoreus axicornis 蝸牛與貝類 1972-2 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology
Oliva multiplicata 多彩榧螺 Oliva multiplicata 蝸牛與貝類 1974 澎湖縣 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History - Invertebrate Zoology