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Saccostrea scyphophilla 黑齒牡蠣 Saccostrea mordax (Gould, 1850) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cellana toreuma toreuma 花笠螺 Cellana toreuma toreuma 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cypraea moneta 黃寶螺 Cypraea moneta Linnaeus, 1758 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Assiminea 山椒蝸牛屬 Assiminea J.Fleming, 1828 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nodilittorina pyramidalis 顆粒玉黍螺 Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Aegista mackensii 臺灣盾蝸牛 Aegista mackensii (A.Adams & Reeve, 1850) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Liolophura japonica 大駝石鱉 Liolophura japonica (Lischke, 1873) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Thiara 錐蜷屬 Thiara tuberculata (O.F.Müller, 1774) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Littoraria undulata 波紋玉黍螺 Littoraria undulata (Gray, 1839) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Echinolittorina vidua 臺灣玉黍螺 Nodilittorina vidua (Gould, 1859) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Aegista mackensii 臺灣盾蝸牛 Aegista mackensii (A.Adams & Reeve, 1850) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Siphonaria laciniosa 花松螺 Siphonaria laciniosa (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Lottia luchuana 雜斑蓮花青螺 Lottia luchuana (Pilsbry, 1901) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nerita rumphii 蘭富蜑螺 Nerita rumphii Récluz, 1841 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Thiara scabra 塔蜷 Thiara scabra (O.F.Müller, 1774) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cellana toreuma toreuma 花笠螺 Cellana toreuma toreuma 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Echinolittorina vidua 臺灣玉黍螺 Nodilittorina vidua (Gould, 1859) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Aegista mackensii 臺灣盾蝸牛 Aegista mackensii (A.Adams & Reeve, 1850) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Corbicula fluminea 臺灣蜆 Corbicula fluminea (O.F.Müller, 1774) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Bradybaena similaris 扁蝸牛 Bradybaena similaris (Férussac, 1822) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Mancinella alouina 金絲岩螺 Mancinella mancinella (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Thiara scabra 塔蜷 Thiara scabra (O.F.Müller, 1774) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Achatina fulica 非洲大蝸牛 Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Lottia luchuana 雜斑蓮花青螺 Lottia luchuana (Pilsbry, 1901) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nerita plicata 白肋蜑螺 Nerita plicata Linnaeus, 1758 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Thaumatoptyx crassilamellata 鬼牙細煙管蝸牛 Zaptyx crassilamellata Kuroda, 1941 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Laevapex nipponica 芝麻淡水笠螺 Laevapex nipponica (Kuroda, 1947) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cellana toreuma toreuma 花笠螺 Cellana toreuma toreuma 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Littoraria undulata 波紋玉黍螺 Littoraria undulata (Gray, 1839) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Laevicaulis alte 皺足蛞蝓 Vaginulus alte Férussac, 1822 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nerita costata 黑肋蜑螺 Nerita costata Gmelin, 1791 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nodilittorina pyramidalis 顆粒玉黍螺 Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Monodonta perplexa 扭鐘螺 Monodonta perplexa Pilsbry, 1889 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Monodonta perplexa 扭鐘螺 Monodonta perplexa Pilsbry, 1889 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cellana toreuma toreuma 花笠螺 Cellana toreuma toreuma 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Tenguella granulata 結螺 Tenguella granulata (Duclos, 1832) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Succinea hoiticola 臺灣錐實蝸牛 Succinea erythrophana Ancey, 1883 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Laevapex nipponica 芝麻淡水笠螺 Laevapex nipponica (Kuroda, 1947) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Thiara 錐蜷屬 Thiara tuberculata (O.F.Müller, 1774) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Solenomphala taiwanensis (Habe, 1942) 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Cellana grata 斗笠螺 Cellana grata (Gould, 1859) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Littoraria undulata 波紋玉黍螺 Littoraria undulata (Gray, 1839) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Aegista mackensii 臺灣盾蝸牛 Aegista mackensii (A.Adams & Reeve, 1850) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nerita rumphii 蘭富蜑螺 Nerita rumphii Récluz, 1841 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nodilittorina pyramidalis 顆粒玉黍螺 Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Carychium hachijoensis 八丈島罌粟蝸牛 Carychium hachijoensis Pilsbry, 1902 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Littoraria undulata 波紋玉黍螺 Littoraria undulata (Gray, 1839) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Monodonta perplexa 扭鐘螺 Monodonta perplexa Pilsbry, 1889 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Tarebia granifera 瘤蜷 Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1816) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
Nodilittorina pyramidalis 顆粒玉黍螺 Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) 蝸牛與貝類 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Molluscan fauna of Gueishan Island of Taiwan
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